Monday, October 16, 2006

In spirit of 'girl thoughts' today

I think she's performing a dance recital in my stomach.

Her movements have changed from more kicking, to actual movements. Like maybe an arm moving, she's turning around, not quite the jabs she'd been doing in the past.

I'm getting excited for our ultrasound this Thursday, keep your fingers crossed my placenta has moved, so a C-section doesn't need to be scheduled.


Marathon Someday said...

Christy - Since I've just discovered your lovely blog, I wasn't aware of your placenta issues. Is it in the way of your cervix, is that why you're having an u/s? Either way, my fingers are crossed for you. Things change so much in pregnancy week-by-week, so it's entirely possible that the situation has changed.

Re: The crib - you're totally right about the rail being down in the picture, hence making the mattress look higher. Our crib is convertible (so the rail doesn't move), which is why I thought it looked too low. Thanks!

"Sweet Pea" lettering - I was at BRU this weekend, but didn't see it there - will look again, perhaps they were sold out. Thanks for keeping an eye out for me!:-)

And as for my due date - I'm on Dec 26th. Just a little under two weeks behind you! Amazing.

I laughed about your blog entry, b/c I've been having "girl" thoughts too. Which is weird for me, because I've been having MEGA boy vibes all along. And now, I'm having doubts!

Christy said...

I guess December will tell us if our mommy-intuition thoughts are right or not.

My first (and only thus far) ultrasound showed I had a low-lying placenta. But that was at 20 weeks, so there is a VERY good chance that the placenta has moved out of the way. That's the only reason I'm having this second ultrasound.

I'm SO happy to hear you haven't found out the sex either! It seems so many people these days are finding out the sex, I'm so excited for the surprise. Plus, how excited will all our friends/family be to get the phone call that our little ones were born, and to be able to tell them the sex! I think it's great.

Yeah, there was only one Sweet Pea (I'm sure it was that!) and one "Angel" near the cash, there weren't any others in the store.

desajair said...

LOL--hey, you were excited to find out my sproglet was a girl! 8)

Love all the pics by the way--you've done an amazing job.

Christy said...

Of course I'm excited to find out what everyone else is having, I was just starting to feel like I was alone with the whole 'waiting' thing....!

As I've always said, there are definite lots of PROS to finding out and only one really that I can think of for waiting :)

Marathon Someday said...

Apparently 1 in 50 women DON'T find out the sex. That makes you and me part of the 2%! Isn't that crazy?

At times, I really wished I knew. But then, I can't wait for the doctor to say, "It's a....!" - you know?

Plus, guessing has been really fun either.

So few suprises in life - thought I'd savour this one for as long as possible.:-)

Hope your u/s went well, and I'm positive that your placenta is well out of the way by now.

Marathon Someday said...

I meant to say "guessing has been really fun too" (not "either"!). It's late. I'm a tired, grumpy, pregnant lady. I'm sure you'll undertand!

Christy said...

Oh - and you can get the doctor to show the baby to your partner so that he can be the one to announce to you what the sex is. I definitely want to hear my husband tell me if we have a son or daughter.

Christy_Ann said...

Hi there. Re: the gender of your baby - we didn't find out either... it was so exciting to get that last "surprise". Also, you can get the doctor to hand the wrapped baby to you and your can unwrap him/her to discover it for yourselves. So sweet!