Thursday, October 12, 2006

3 choices

My mom (compulsive shopper) just called me (she wouldn't tell me from what store) and asked:

Which saying do you like better?

Now I lay me down to sleep
Lights Out
Quiet Please

I chose Lights Out, because
a) Now I lay me down to sleep was the prayer the little blonde girl said to her goldfish (or bird, whatever) as she buried him in the movie Poltergeist, so that poem always gives me the creeps
b) It won't be quiet when the baby is going to sleep, I don't want to have a baby that only sleeps when it's completely quiet, so it's not appropriate

So 'Lights Out' it is

I have no idea what it's written on, or what it is but my mom is coming over tonight so I will find out then!

1 comment:

Marathon Someday said...

Cute! Maybe she was buying a sleeper or something?

That's cool that you can see your stomach moving in all sorts of directions. I haven't looked down yet, but sometimes I see some vibrating.

As for heavenly hash ice-cream - there's absolutely nothing wrong in that, esp. during pregnancy. I love coffee-crisp ice-cream, if truth be told.

And finally - thanks for the Good Life suggestion. I live right in downtown Toronto, so not too many gyms are daycare friendly - there's a GoodLife up the street, I'm going to give them a call. Well worth the money, I think!

I'm off to prenatal yoga now!

I love your blog, by the way!:-)