Tuesday, October 03, 2006

30 weeks!

Wow. The ten week countdown begins now! It's funny, I always have the due date in my head (which is a Thursday, I never even knew what day of the week my due date was on) and a constant ticker, under the assumption that the baby is going to come on my due date. It rarely enters my mind that this baby could come two weeks before and up to two weeks after my due date. So really, it could be 8 weeks or it could be 12!

I'm just getting really excited to meet this baby. What does he look like, how big is he? Will he be snuggly, what will his cry sound like? I'M SO EXCITED.

I always sleep so much better the nights I have aquafit. I find the pool so relaxing and for weeks like this where I always seem to be hot, it brings my body temperature down a few notches so I can cozy up under my blankets.

I can't wait to go home tonight and see all the work that has been done on the house!

1 comment:

Miss Gogo said...

Wow. It seems like just yesterday that you found out and now here we are, possibly 8 weeks away!