Friday, October 06, 2006

I swear, it's me

Every hockey game I go to, they lose. I think I will impose a self-ban on myself to not go to any more this season.

It was a great time though, we got quite a few looks as we would get up from our seats and walk out, three mucho pregnant women. The two other girls look fantastic! Monique is due November 5th (this is her 3rd child) and Tammy is due November 30th (she's having twins). None of us have found out the sex and we are all having pretty wonderful pregnancies. It's really funny to hear other people's birthing plans (epidural vs no epidural, thoughts on C-sections, circumcision etc...), I never think my ideas are right and theirs are wrong, it's just really interesting to hear another opinion when I am so sure of my idea on certain things. Like, if we have a boy (I don't want to be cocky and say when we have a boy) we are getting him circumcized. Without a doubt. Lots of people think it's cosmetic surgery and they are pretty anti-circumcision but for various reasons (the last few being that my brother in law's dad had to get circumcized last month when he was 60, and Jeff knows someone who had to get it done when they were 21, and my friend from work has two boys who have both had infections on and off..) we have decided to have it done. So it's not funny but just interesting to hear people explain why they won't have it done. But, like I said, it's not like I think everyone should, I just know it's the right decision for us.

And the epidural? Yes please.

What's happening with the baby:

Good news — at this point your baby's lungs and digestive tract are nearly mature, meaning she'll do much better in the event of premature birth. Researchers also believe your baby can actually see now, in utero, but no one knows exactly how much she can make out. She's also becoming more cramped in your uterus and less able to move so freely, although when she does move, you're sure to notice it.


desajair said...

DRUGS!!! Gimme!!!

LOL--I think they make you go nine months without drugs, just to make it up to you all in one shot with the epidural (and other wonderful things they can do for you).

Hey--if you can have a little less pain, why not in my opinion?

Christy_Ann said...

Hey, I didn't pretend to be a hero during my delivery. I had about 6 hours of gas (blimmin' useless stuff). then a pethadine shot (didn't help either) then I BEGGED for an epidural and finally got it (they had to drag some guy in from home as it was a Sunday night). Finally I felt better and got a little rest. Mind you, this was 24 hours after my first contraction!!!

Do what you have to do. That's my advice.

Miss Gogo said...

I am all for the epidural personally. I really, really beleive that if this stuff had been in existance for as long as women have been giving birth then they would have been using it too ( I often heard the comment that women have been doing it naturally for thousands of years so epi's are not necessary).