Friday, October 20, 2006


And apparently my due date is now Dec 12th, which is funny because whenever I sign up for pregnancy sites online and have to enter my LMP, it would always come up with a due date of the 12th - then Dr. F said the 14th which confused me, but whatever... now the EDD is Dec 12th!


Marathon Someday said...

How does that happen - the due date changing with such precision, at this stage in your pregnancy?

Miss Gogo said...

I believe it's all based ont he size of the baby. I know my date changed to earlier based on the size of the baby.

Marathon Someday said...

Oh, okay - but are measurements that precise as the pregnancy progresses? And isn't it also based on things like fully developed lungs, etc. - and not just size?

I've got so much to learn, and so little time, lol!

Christy said...

To be honest, I think the doctor gave me the wrong due date to start, all the records at the hospital and on the ultrasound results say the 12th, it's only on his one sheet that it says the 14th.

Miss Gogo said...

I know with my pregnancy, when I went to an ultrasound, the due date changed based on the length and estimated weight of the actual baby not the measurement of my actual stomach (although that can change it too). But, really, a baby comes when it wants to come so I don't base too much merit on it all!

Christy, I was the same. The doctor said Jan 15th but all my ultrasounds said Jan 11th.

Christy said...

Oohhh - and then you went early! I think, the 4th? Yay, I like hearing EARLY stories. I had a dream I was 4 days overdue last night and even in my dream it wasn't fun.

Marathon Someday said...

I love early stories too! (not TOO early of course). For me, 39 weeks would be ideal.

I'm going to the doctor's this Thurday, and plan on asking about how the baby is measuring. Since my 19-week scan, I've had no idea!