Monday, October 30, 2006

Mondays come too quickly

How I would love to be at home (as originally planned but had to reschedule due to workload at work) having breakfast with my husband.

There is a foot or a hand currently pressing against belly and I'm playing a game with him. I push against his hand or foot (am I a horrible mom for not knowing WHICH exact body part it is?) and he will push back. It's amazing. I can also feel a leg or arm move across my whole stomach, and you can see it move too.

When we were at the movies on the weekend, the baby moved the whole time, it must have been the noise. He totally reacts to what I'm doing or not doing, if it's loud and I'm laughing and having a good time (which is quite often these days), he's right up there with me, moving around and just constantly squirming. If I'm sitting down of course. I'm also having Braxton-Hicks these days, I didn't know quite what they were until one of my friends described it quite accurately (thanks Jules) and yep, that's what they are. Not painful, but a tad uncomfortable.

Jeff and I are really enjoying these last few weeks as a childless couple. We are seeing movies, going out to dinner, making dinner, spending time together doing things that may be not as easy once the baby comes. I'm not saying at all that we will start hibernating, but we do realize our lives will change and our whole -pick up and go- way of life won't be the same. But, we are looking forward to the change. We are very much excited for our new lives, as a family.

This week's job - do Christmas shopping! We have 8 nieces and nephews to buy for and a few adult presents (on one side of the family, we choose names. On the other side, there is no gift exchange and on the other side (remember I come from a two set of parents family) we all buy for everyone) as well as the twins birthday is coming up at the end of November). I want to get it out of the way so I don't have to be in the malls when I'm 38 weeks pregnant, I think I may be a tad grouchy :)

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