Thursday, October 19, 2006

Our baby is already perfect....

Dr. Farrell said mommy and baby get an A+ today.

He or she is measuring 32 weeks and 2 days, which is exactly what I am today.
He or she scored an 8/8 for the Biophysical Profile
My placenta has moved out of the way (now it's anterior)
The baby is NOT breech
My cervical length is perfect
My placental grade is 1

The ultrasound was amazing. It's so different this time around because the baby is too big to get the whole body in at one shot. So as she was moving the wand around you could see this huge amazing body parts (no, not THAT one). He or she was kicking one of their legs alot and just to see it on the monitor was amazing. Then towards the end, she turned the wand and we got a full look at our baby's face. Wow. The eyes, nose, lips... it was a face. A cute sweet baby face, not alien looking at all. Then we saw the profile (I told Jeff he or she had our nose, just for fun) and then the ear... a perfect little ear.

The baby weighs 1855g - 1919g (about 4.09 - 4.23 lbs) and it's spine is back down. I think I want the spine up and not down, so apparently spending more time on all fours will help that. Supposedly it helps the birth process.

So I'm a happy camper. Especially because I only gained 2 lbs in the past 5 weeks, but who's counting :) Truth be told, a few tears were shed while seeing our baby's face, it was truly... just.... wow.

Next appt in 2 weeks (November 2nd) and we'll see if she or she maintains their 'perfect' status :) I think I already know the answer to that though.....


Miss Gogo said...

YAY! Glad to hear that everything is perfect! Did you get some good pictures?

Christy said...

I got some great pictures, and I'm trying to post them but having some troubles - hopefully they will be up soon!

Marathon Someday said...

That's awesome!!! Your little one is soooo adorable. He/She is going to be a heartbreaker.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Grampy & Grammy very happy to see ultrasound pics. we had no such thing in our day. So glad things are ok now. How about Damien for a name. Love & hugs.
Grammy & Grampy