I had a VERY vivid dream last night about the baby. It was a boy, we named him Payton. The dream seemed to last so long, I can remember him being in the car seat and I kept going to check on him. I remember holding him and putting him to bed. It was crazy. I was a little bit sad when I woke up and realized it was just a dream. He was perfect. Just when I'm trying to convince myself not to get my hopes up for any particular sex, I have this dream. I will try and think girl thoughts all day today.
So last night Carrie, my mom and I went to Babies R Us. Mom took E&I and went off to play in the store while Carrie helped me register. It's done. I'm happy. It was a good idea to go with someone who's been through it, I would have never thought to get a humidifier. (I remember the humidifier we had in our room when I was kid, I used to love the smell! It had orange plastic on it...)
We also went to Winners and I was looking at all the newborn/first year baby stuff. It's unbelievable how fricking cute baby clothes are. I didn't buy anything, because I have enough generic clothing, and I know once we know the sex I'll want to pick up either some boy clothes or girl things so I practiced restraint. Then at Home Outfitters I got this star pillow with little blue gems on it, it's almost the exact colour of the room (well, it's the same tone just darker) and it was on sale for 7.50, so really, how could I say no? Found cute white sheers for the nursery, so now I just have to get the faux wood blinds (there's nothing in there now) and I'm all set. Well, far from it but it just seemed like the appropriate thing to say.
Normally, if I need to prepare for something I overshop and buy way too much and end up not using half of what I bought. It's taken me 31 years but I think now I finally realized that if I need something later on, I can pick it up then, I don't need to have everything right now. So, I didn't go overboard on the registry, plus I still have to go through a few boxes of stuff that Carrie gave me to see what I have and then I can figure out what I need.
I had posted yesterday about how great my house looks painted but apparently I didn't. It looks great. We are having a few issues with the ceiling fan so I think it's coming down and we are going to get a new one (the stupid string pully thing snaps off, it can be snapped back on but it shouldn't snap off in the first place). It seems that with everything we do to the house to improve it, it results in a to-do list that's longer than before we started. Like the guest room, it wasn't painted so we just kind of threw a bed, TV and dresser in there. But now that it's painted and looks fabulous, I had to buy a new night side table, we have to paint the dresser and get new knobs for it and I have to get something to hang on the wall to make it look
cosy. The second bathroom simply needed the paint, but I have to hang everything back up (and maybe paint the medicine cabinet the same colour of the wall so it doesn't stick out, but Jeff likes it like that so stay tuned for who wins the battle). The nursery molding needs a final coat of paint now that it's up and a few places on the baseboard and frame for the window and closet need to be painted.
I am loving the oatmeal baked apple muffins they have downstairs. I'd actually rather have it then a chocolate chip muffin, and those who know me, know that I rarely pass up chocolate :)
We went out for dinner after registering last night, and I know I talk about them enough as it is, but I can't say enough just how fricking great my sister's kids are at a restaurant! Besides Isabelle biting Ethan on the cheek (not out of anger, but she kissed him on the cheek and then it turned into a bite) but Ethan looked at us and said - it's ok, I'm allright now. I could just squeeze both of them until someone finally told me to let them go.