Tuesday, September 05, 2006

26 weeks today....

I've been pregnant for 1/2 year!

Last night we had a huge BBQ and it was alot of fun, I told Jeff I wouldn't be entertaining that amount of people in one night again until after the baby was born, and he completely understood. I love doing it, but really, was on my feet cooking/getting read/serving/cleaning etc for 7 hours and by the end I was exhausted. My feet were swollen, I was hot as a (can't think how to end this analogy) and I was just beat. In bed by 9pm and asleep shortly afterwards.

Lyne and Dwight brought our change table, Julie brought more maternity clothes, and I got tips and pieces of advice throughout the night, which always makes me happy :)

Lyne told me that trying to reason with an overtired child was like trying to reason with a drunk, and we both know the latter never works. Lyne and Dwight have a beautiful 7 year old daughter, Sienna and you can tell that they've always spoken to her and treated her as an adult because she acts so mature for her age. You can have these amazing conversations with her. I find it's the same with Carly's Emma, she's only 7 or 8 and yet you would think you were talking to a 16 year old. I think so much of it has to do with the way they are spoken to (spoken to as an adult as opposed to a child).

I should have taken a picture of all the children last night, they were all so adorable and for the most part... really, really good.

So far, only Julie, Lisa, my mom and grandmother think I'm having a girl, everyone else is convinced (as we are) that it's a boy. Grace and Isabelle (2 three year olds) also think it's a girl but the rest of the 'kids' also say boy when asked.

Still no boy's names yet....will start a search on my lunch hour. Now for some oatmeal.

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