Friday, November 03, 2006


At what point do you have to find a pediatrician? Should I have one already? I had a dream about my baby's pediatrician and realized, I don't have one, when do I need one?

I'm trying to decrease my water intake (I don't drink anything else, maybe a glass of juice with dinner and milk with breakfast), but during the night last night I drank about 1/2L cause every time I woke up I was parched. Normally I drink about 700ml on the way to work each morning, this morning I only drank 200ml. I usually have about 3L during the day at work, I'm going to try and limit that to 1.5L. We'll see how I make out.

I'm still swollen, my face is a bit swollen, my hands and feet are definitely swollen and it's not a fun feeling. I really hope cutting back on my water helps.



Marathon Someday said...

Good question! I'm wondering the same thing myself. I believe that we do need to find one, because the OB won't look at the baby afterward...but I'm still researching. Let me know if you find out.

About swelling - my goodness, am I SO there with you. Not so much in my feet (yet, knock on wood!) but in my hands. I can't bend my fingers in the middle of the night, and they look like mini-sausages. Is that due to fluid intake? Isn't fluid intake supposed to help?

And finally, that's great that the baby's doing well!! Of course, that's the most important thing.

Christy said...

I thought that water intake was supposed to help reduce swelling! Or maybe that's just cause what WW has told us for so long, and maybe bloating is not the same as swelling? Heh, we both have sausage fingers!

I'm going to ask my girlfriends tonight about the dr and I'll let you know what I find out.

desajair said...

my family doc is taking sproglet, which is great--because her office is just down the street from my house. 8)

Your family doc won't look after babies?

I hope the swelling goes down for you!

Lemon water always works for me and bloating....

Christy said...

I'm going to ask my doctor if he looks after kids, but he's getting close to retirement (which makes me sad cause I love him as a doctor) so I'd almost rather start with someone who will be around for a while.

I asked the dr and said it didn't make sense to me to lay off the fluids but he said being pregnant is different then bloating otherwise, so I've only had under 2L so far today... trying to take baby sips :)

Miss Gogo said...

After Ava was born, I had her one week appointment with my family doctor and he referred me to a pediatrician. Ask your family doctor first and work from there. Your doctor may have a relationship with a pediatrician like mine did.

Christy said...

Ahhh thanks for the tip!! I know Jeff has to go into the doctor for his shoulder (argh golfing) so I'll ask when I call him then.

Thanks :)

BoutiqueKarma said...

I'm not sure about where you live, but here in montreal its almost impossible to find a pediatrician. I suggest calling around now to see what/who is available. Ask around for recommendations or maybe even referrals to get you into a good pediatrician's office.