Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Day 1

Honestly? I probably did more today then I normally do at work, so right now I'm beat.

Jeff needed the Matrix today so I was stuck with the Civic and let me tell you getting in and out of that car isn't as easy as it once was. I told him I couldn't drive that car much longer, so tomorrow I'll be sticking close to home becuase the Matrix needs to go into the shop all day for a service call.

Doctor's appt was fine, the whole waiting kills me. I'm in the waiting room for 45-50 minutes and then the appt takes less than 5 minutes. Baby's heart rate was 150 (highest yet), I'm measuring perfectly, my blood pressure was 113/76 and no protein in the urine. So, all in all a good appt. I had the feeling tha tmaybe the baby 'dropped' from the way my stomach looked and I asked Dr. F about it. He said some babies make their way down slowly, whereas some drop quickly and it's normally the latter where the mother feels it 'drop'. Next appt is Monday.

Tomorrow? Packing my hospital bag, making a yummy potato and leek soup.

Oh! I almost forgot! Saturday morning our cleaning lady comes to check out the house and then starts next week. That's right. We are getting a cleaning lady. I like keeping things tidy and clean but I HATE scrubbing floors, cleaning the oven, the bathtubs, the toilets, dusting etc..... so, we are getting a cleaning lady. I'm so VERY excited. My only decision now is whether to get her to come in on the Monday (after the weekend rush?) or Thursday (before the weekend rush?).


Marathon Someday said...

We're SO getting a cleaning person too! (Except Hubby and I haven't quite agreed yet - he's a perfectionist and doesn't think anyone can do the job like him!).

Anyway - it'll be SO handy when the baby's here.

And yay for a great appointment!!!

Do you feel like the waiting game has begun? I'm not there yet - I think once I manage to get the baby's room (and our apartment organized), I can start to count down...

Christy said...

I'm definitely playing the waiting game right now. The nursery and the house is ready, but to me there is always something that can be done.

But, I keep feeling now like I'm going to go early. Only time will tell but I think it will be sooner than later (heh, remind me of this when I'm 10 days overdue)

Marathon Someday said...

I hope it's sooner for you - keeping my fingers crossed.

I don't feel like I've dropped yet - but that doesn't mean anything, b/c it can happen all at once.

You can't be 10 days overdue - then we'd be delivering on the same day!:P