Wednesday, November 15, 2006


My work surprised me with cake today! It was a surprise (but I had a feeling it was happening) and there was about 40 people there.... it was super nice of them - I got a fantastic gift certificate from Babies R Us (PERFECT).

I had known it was going to happen and told Jeff what was happening - I'm not one for surprises and not one for being in a room with everyone looking at me, having to talk (little speech) and mingling. So Jeff was happy they were doing cause he thinks I need to be forced into situations like that so I can get used to it and build my social skills. He's right.

I am completely at home and comfortable with people I know, I love talking and entertaining etc... it's when there are people I don't really know (especially a large group), I'm not good at small talk and having people focus on me.

But, it was definitely nice of them to do it for me, and that's the end of Day 5 of the countdown. Now I'm off to meet my husband at my mom and Ricky's house.


desajair said...

Mmmmm cake.

You're such an awesome person, you totally deserve parties!

Christy said...

Wow, thank you!

Miss Gogo said...

Awww, how nice was that! I'm the same way as you, I tend to be quite chatty with people I know but quiet down around the unknown....

I hope your hubby (or you) will email us when the little one arrives!!!

Have you guys settled on a name yet?

Christy said...

I'll be setting up a draft e-mail with all my addresses in it for Jeff to send off once he gets home the night the baby is born.

Heh, names. Our lists have been revamped so many times and I think we are a little closer on a girl's name, and still nowhere close on a boy's name.....
