Saturday, November 25, 2006

Nursery pictures

All we need now is blinds and we are DONE!

Oh! And sonya - was it SWEET PEA you were looking for? I saw it at Babies R Us on Thursday, it was in the gift for babies section. It was white....


Christy_Ann said...

Oh, it's so beautiful! Wow – I can't believe how organised you are.

So exciting!

Christy said...


I'm finally feeling ready for this baby.

Anne said...

How cute is that room!
You have to come help me when we have kids :)
Looks like you are well prepared.

Miss Gogo said...

It's beautiful Christy! I'm totally goin to borrow your theme for my next baby!

Marathon Someday said...

I looove your nursery! It's beautiful. You are SO ready!

And thanks for letting me know about the "sweet pea" at BRU - I'll have a look for it! I know it varies from store-to-store.

I'm debating whether to hold off until the baby's here, and buy letters for his/her name...but I highly doubt I'll have time!

I meant to ask you - have you bought a swing yet? Some of my friends have, others have held off - I'm not sure what to do!

desajair said...

purty! 8)

Christy said...

I didn't get a swing yet - I've heard people say their baby loves them and other ones who couldn't care less for them. So if and when the time comes when I want to try one I will probably borrow one from a friend and if or she likes it, I would consider buying one...

Not sure if that helps or not!

Miss Gogo said...

Great idea Christy, I did that as well. I had a hand me down that didn't work 100% of the time but when Ava LOVED it, I went out and bought a brand new one. It was a sad, sad day for me when she gre out of it!