Friday, November 24, 2006


Even though I'm off work now, it's still exciting that it's Friday. It means Jeff will be home for two days and the weekend is always more exciting then weekdays, no matter if you are off work or not.

Tonight Lisa is having a non baby shower/baby shower for me, and I'm really looking forward to it.

I've planned a baking day for next week! Carrie, Nadia, Mom and I are going to spend Tuesday afternoon doing Christmas baking. I figure it will be good to have some treats on hand for the company we expect to get once the baby comes. I won't be waiting on people hand and foot or anything, but who doesn't like homemade baking? I'm not exactly the domestic type, but I'm better than I used to be, baby steps... it's all about baby steps.

Well - I think the baby may have dropped. The past few days, the feelings I'm getting are much different then they have ever been and they are much further down then they ever have. I'm feeling more pressure in the front, so maybe that's what it is? Nadia said it looked like I've dropped in the past week, so maybe I have? It's hard to tell, so who knows.

The only weekend plans is Lisa's tonight, cleaning lady appt tomorrow and Grace's birthday on Sunday - besides that, we have no plans which makes me happy. We have a few things to do around the house and I'm looking forward to spending some time with my wonderful husband.

1 comment:

Marathon Someday said...

It must be a pregnancy thing, b/c we're always on the same wavelength!

I was just chatting with a friend of mine about doing some baking in the next couple of weeks - some cookies, brownies, and maybe some cake. For both the festive spirit stuff, and so that we can feed people if they come to visit!

I'm having glider stress. The one we ordered at BRU won't be here until end of December!!!!