Monday, March 26, 2007

Rain rain go away!

After an extremely busy weekend, I'm looking forward to a laid back week. Carson has gone on somewhat of a nap strike. He doesn't enjoy his 4 hour afternoon nap anymore. If we are lucky, he goes down for an hour or two. It doesn't make him grumpy, fussy or cranky, but he just doesn't want to sleep. That's OK, we just play more and go out walking - he loves being in his stroller in the fresh air.

It's raining today, so I either a) go to the grocery store and no walk or b) go to MEC to buy a rainjacket, go walking and ask Daddy to go to the grocery store.

I vote for b but we'll see what Carson says.

Oh! And I'm re-organizing the house. I get bored when everything has been in the same spot for too long. And I'm trying to make it a bit more kid-friendly. The first floor now has a playpen, an exercauser and a bouncy chair and soon to be jumperoo (I won it on ebay! free shipping!) so I've had to move things around and make it more fun to be upstairs.

Oh! I smell like spit up. The life of a mom. I went out with friends on Saturday morning and found I didn't have much to add to the conversation besides talking about Carson - so I've decided I need to get out and socialize a bit more. My first and foremost priority is Carson, of course, but I need to remember what it's like to be ME.


Marathon Someday said...

LOL - I smell like spit-up ALL the time. The other day, I must have missed some when I was wiping up, and found a big globule on my pants. Yuck-o-la! Isn't it amazing how we don't get grossed out by spit-up and change-table accidents anymore?

I found what you wrote about feeling like "you" again really interesting. On the one hand, I totally agree - finding your own identity on this journey of motherhood is really important. We are seperate and distinct from our babies, and musn't forget that. On the other hand, C is your life right now - you live and breathe him day and night. Of course you'd want to talk about him all the time! And that's TOTALLY okay. Which is why I suppose all these "mommy groups" came to be.

All of my babble is just to say - find a balance between your own identity and C - but don't feel bad that all you can talk about is your baby boy. These days are far and few, and so precious. We need to cherish them for all they're worth.

Christy said...

Very true. I guess it's because I was out with all child-less babies so I felt out of place, with nothing to add. But get me with the group of friends who all have kids and I fit right in at home.

I am trying to find a balance and I think every day I get that much closer.

Move to Ottawa, ok?