So, I've been supplementing with formula lately. When my ducts were blocked, I would still nurse Carson (even though it hurt like (&@#) but he would still be so frusterated and angry when I was done nursing (grabbing at me and kicking his legs) that I needed to give him formula.
Since we've introduced formula, I've been reading up on how to continue nursing with supplementing at the same time. And I'm getting angry. Angry when reading comments or articles from women who exclusively breastfeed making us women who supplement feel like losers. Feel like we are taking the easy way out or we are not doing what's best for our children. Screw them. I'm doing the absolute best I can for Carson. Kudos to them, seriously. That's wonderful. But it's not what I am doing anymore. So don't look down on me and think that my son is worse off then your child.
I exclusively breastfed for the first three months and he is still being nursed 6 or 7 times a day. He gets anywhere between 2 and 4 ounces of formula a day. And honestly? I enjoy watching Jeff give him the bottle, or his grandma, grammie, cousins etc. I know he's getting the necessities from the breastmilk, so if he needs or wants formula, who's to tell me I'm doing something wrong?
He's happy and he's healthy! And that's what it's all about, isn't it?
Oh the whole breast-feeding issue is such a minefield.
My advice? Don't feel bad. All families/mothers/babies are different and you do what's right for you.
And as a friend told me when I had to give up nursing Guy (for many reasons - mainly because I was in utter agony) "walk into a room... can you tell who was breast-fed and who wasn't?" Of course not.
Be good to yourself. You are doing a great job!
From someone who formula fed what works best for you!
I don't know why it angers me so! It just feels like these women are accusing me of not loving my child as much as they do. I'm trying to let it go :)
This glass of wine and piece of chocolate is just what the doctor ordered.
Thanks ChristyAnn and Christine :)
I never could exclusively breastfeed.. just didn't have the milk supply.. You do what you have to do, and if supplementing, or giving formula exclusively is what works, so be it. Carson is a happy, healthy baby and don't let anybody tell you otherwise.
ya, those breastfeeding nazis really get to me too. Really, I don't know what the big deal is. Science is great, and I think its wonderful that we actually have a choice to breastfeed or give formula.
Wow, Christy - I'm so glad you wrote about this....I still haven't figured out the whole irateness of the breast-feeding movement.
Yes, "breast is best" - but only if it's possible! If not, formula is just fine. And for goodness sake's - you're only supplementing.
You're doing a wonderful job as a mom - don't let 'em get to you!
I'll send you an e-mail soon, because there's so much more to say!
Oh - and I think shopping for boys' clothes can be really fun!:-) I went shopping for Raiya at Gap a couple of days ago...sigh...those little dresses get me everytime! And they are soooo atrociously priced.
I will admit, that i ooohed and aaaahed at the boys' overalls too.:-)
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