Saturday, March 10, 2007

I know I've posted about this before...

But Saturday nights are definitely not what they used to be like. It's 7:30. Carson is in bed (since 7), Jeff is heading out with Peter to go golfing, and I'm in bed. I have a glass of white wine, a Cadbury's Thin, a bottle of water and the laptop. I have a book for when I'm done on here, and between you and I, I'll most likely be asleep by 9. I'm never eat in bed, but I didn't want to be downstairs on my own, I wanted to be upstairs, close to Carson, cozy, warm and where sleep is easily accessible.

Life is good. Not what it used to be, but I'm definitely happy. I had 31 years to go out and play on Saturday nights and now it's time to stay in an be a mom. I keep checking in on Carson, not because I'm worried about him but because he's so freaking cute when he's sleeping. His little bum is in the air and his hand is near his mouth (he's LOVING chewing on his hand these days) and he looks so beautiful. Don't tell his dad I called him beautiful, it's not very manly.

P.S. I bought a new scale today. It measures body fat as well which has always been good for me to keep track of, especially with all the running I had done in the past few years. I've started running again now so if I keep it up I'll be concentrating on my body fat decreasing more than the weight. Anyways, to make a long story long, right before our bath,I got on the scale, recorded my weight and then got on with Carson. Apparently the gaffer is 14.2 lbs (that's with him nakers, right before our bath). That's 1 lb in the past 2 weeks. I love his chubby little legs and all his creases.


Marathon Someday said...

I loved this post! Nothing else to say, except I could have written that myself - especially about having 31 years to play on Saturday nights. Although, I am looking forward to a "night on the town" with my husband once the weather gets warmer.

Okay - I'm having trouble carrying Raiya now. I'm estimating that she's around 14lbs right now, and Carson has two weeks on her! She's starting to get too big for her carseat. I love counting the number of chins she has, but she's growing like a weed!

Christy said...

Jeff and I always ask Carson about his two chins - I tell him he can only keep one :)

I just think of carrying him around as a workout on it's own!

I'm definitely looking forward to our nights out too, I think once a month we are going to try and get out and at least go for dinner and a glass of wine (more for him).

Hope you are having a great weekend!