We stayed out till about 8:30pm last night and it took us the longest ever to put him to bed (34 minutes) so we've decided no more late nights for us (ha, late nights) because it just sets him off and puts him in a cranky mood and that's no fun to deal with. Breakfasts and lunches work best for us to go out.
Speaking of nights... Jeff and I will be letting Grandma look after him for a few hours one night in the next couple weeks so we can head out with our friends to The Keg to celebrate Jeff and LJ's birthday. It will be our first night out alone since he's been born, it's only for a few hours but it's a start!
I just left Carson with Jeff for the longest time ever - 3 hours. I went shopping at the Children's Place because I decided Carson needed his first pair of camaflouge pants. Pants were 2 for $28, so I bought him a pair of dark brown cargo pants too. Then there was a gorgeus navy blue sweater without a price tag and I brought it to the cash and she said it was on sale for 14.99 but because there was no tag she'd give it to me for 5.99 - I love deals. I love dressing him in real boys boy clothes.
I just wandered around the mall, without having to worry if Carson was going to wake up, was hungry, needed to be changed... I just had to worry about myself, and without sounding too selfish, it was wonderful. He's been asleep since quarter to one and it's four now - he needed the sleep.
Plans changed slightly, we are heading over to Dino and Alexis' tomorrow. As soon as I got home, Jeff left to go fill up the propane tank so we could have a BBQ tonight - tres excited.

1 comment:
It is not selfish at all to want and enjoy time away from your baby. You're not just a mom--you're still a person! Glad you got a nice break. :)
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