Sunday, March 11, 2007

Children's book of the month club?

I just got my monthly Today's Parent magazine and it had a pamphlet in it for Children's Book of the Month Club ( It has a deal where you choose 5 books for 50 cents and commit to buying 4 books over the next two years. It sounds great. I'm a book lover. I see all the Shel Silverstein books (my fave as a kid), Where the Wild Things Are, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and tons more that I love. I'm trying to read some reviews to see if it's worth it, but it's probably all the hidden costs (**plus shipping and handling and applicable costs**) that would make it most likely cheaper to just pick up at amazon.

I just love books and seeing all of them made me giddy to sign up. But I'm trying my best to be frugal which is a big joke because I am probably the opposite of frugal (when I asked Jeff what the opposite of frugal was, he said expensive) and glared at me. Sigh, men. They just don't get it. Don't worry Carson, I'll teach you to enjoy spending money!


Amy said...

haha.. I too am a book lover and have been members of those kinda book clubs. I concur, SIGN UP! :)

My parents were also big book lovers, and as a result I have always had a HUGE book collection. Not a bad quality to instill in a child if you ask me! I was the kid that read at the breakfast table in the morning!

How is the runnage going? Mine is kinda sucking.

Marathon Someday said...

I've already got a book collection for Raiya - but no place to store them! I loooove books. Those book clubs are good deals, especially for kids books. Plus, you can just discontinue when you don't want them anymore. Works out well, b/c you'll be buying lots of books.

Christy said...

You gals have convinced me to join! I have a bookshelf up in his room and it's pretty much full now, so I think I'll have to put one in our room :)

Books make me giddy, especially the ones I read as a kid.

Amy - my running is going slowly but it feels SO good to get out again. I'm doing about 5-6K each time I go and I'm quite slow but I'm hoping to keep workign on my speed. Now you get out there too - this weather should be getting you out there more!

Product Usage Tips said...

Book clubs are great! Just completed the entire Harry Potter series for our 8-year old son. We joined a kids book club when our son was just 6 months old, and have read at least 30 minutes for him every single day, and clearly observe how far ahead of others he is now.