Thursday, March 15, 2007

Question for mom's....

Further on my spring cleaning, I went through Carson's closet early this afternoon to filter out the stuff he doesn't wear, is too small etc... to make room for more clothes. So, as I'm pilfering through the laundry baskets full of clothes I realize there is barely any 9 month clothing. I know sizing is different for different stores, but if it just says 12 months, does that really mean it's 9-12 months? That's probably a hard question to answer but I think once their growth tapers off they fit in clothing for longer so really it's maybe like 9-15 months?

I just KNOW I'm going to forget certain clothes when they will fit him and as I'm packing them away cause they are too small I'll be sad that he never got to wear them.

I'm torn. Part of me wants to him to stay the size he is because I love all his clothes. But the other part of me can't wait till he wears 6-12 months cause there is 6 drawers full of the cutest things for him to wear.

The part of me that wants him to stay the same size wins though. I keep getting glimpses of how fast he's growing. This morning he was in his exercauser and he was playing with one of the little rolly-noise making things on the tray and then he would giggle when it made the noise. I can't believe he's making the connection that what he's doing is making him laugh.


Marathon Someday said...

Good question! Not that I have any more experience than you, but this is how I *think* things may work...

From 6-12 months, baby's growth rates will vary. You're right - the growing phase really slows down during that time, so Carson should be able to fit into that range of clothing then. In other words, there really isn't "9 months", b/c it should fall within the 6-12 month clothing range.

At Sears, I noticed that clothes are sized at 0-3 months, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. There's no 9 months, and it's also assumed that babies will "stretch" the use of their 3-month and 6-month sizes for a bit longer, depending on their growth rate.

Raiya is now well into the 3-6 month range...I can't believe it. There was a time when her newborn sleepers were swimming on her. And now, she's growing like a weed. Where is the time going?

I dunno - I hope that helps?

As for the picture that I was telling you about, I'll e-mail it. I'd post it on my blog, but I can't - will explain in the e-mail.

Christy said...

That totally makes sense... I guess I'll just have to keep trying stuff on him to see when it fits :) There are so many cute outfits I don't want him to miss out on!!!

Ok, cant' wait to see the picture, I haven't seen one of her in a while!