He cried like I've never heard him cry before - he had these big crocodile tears and it broke my heart. But he's a tough boy and he is fine now. I nursed him right afterwards and that somewhat soothed him. The tempra did the rest :)
He weighs 11 lbs and 13 oz and he is 59cm long - which places him in the 50th percentile. Jeff whispered to him "that means you can beat up 50% of the other boys out there" I rolled my eyes.
Carson's first time in the bumbo!

SO cute!!! I can't imagine how hard those shots were...I'm dreading them myself, in two weeks.
Is the bumbo seat any good? Seems a bit expensive, but if it's worth it, I might invest in one.
And when did Carson start holding his head up on his own? I think that makes a difference too.
Hope you and babe are recovering.
Carson started holding his head up quite early but I waited until he held up for a few minutes. If you put him on his stomach or if he's lying on you, he'll easily hold it up for 5 minutes.
The bumbo chair is worth it to me - I only started using it yesterday but Carson loves it. I guess we will see if it's worth it in the long run.
I was just saying to Jeff last night that it would be great to have one of everything to try out and if they like it, you could go buy it. Like our swing, we borrowed it from a friend, but he isn't too keen on it. Maybe he will use it more later on but if we had bought it I'd be bummed!
Raiya can hold her head up for a couple of minutes at a time, but it's still not quite steady...so I might wait a little bit longer.
As for the swing, I'm really glad I invested in one. She hated it at first, but now, she really likes it. Sometimes, she sleeps in it for a couple of hours at a time!
Did you get your bumbo seat at BRU? Or is it available anywhere else? I'm asking, because I have a ton of gift certificates (none of which are BRU, unfortunately), so it would be great to use it elsewhere.
I did get it at BRU - the only other place I've seen it is Kiddytown (not sure if you have one in TO?)
I have tons of gift certs for the Bay and their baby selection isn't that great. Although it IS baby days this weekend - I went there today though and didn't really see too much. Some cute clothes but we have too many for him already...
I'm glad we have the swing though because I'm sure he will learn to like it :)
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