Had the gaffer weighed again today, he's 9 lbs 9.5 oz, that's 5 oz in 3 days!
Went to the lactation consultant today, she got me all worked up over his tongue tiedness - said we had to get it fixed. I'm going to wait until we see Dr. McConville at the beginning of February and see what he says. I wish we had just gotten it clipped at the hospital but the doctors and nurses there talked us out of it. Argh.
Did some running around (including Walmart, Madison Spa and the mall) Bought a new Aveda exfoliating face wash and am quite looking forward to trying it out. Took Carson to say a quick hello to his Daddy at work (to show off his overalls)
Came home, made a yummy dinner (I love that we can BBQ in January!)
And most exciting, made an appt to go see a house in Riverside South tomorrow! It's really nice, the website is here It's right across the street from Kaethe and Peter, which is a bonus.
Getting my hair cut tomorrow which I'm also quite excited about, I'm getting it cut off. It's not long enough to tie back yet it's long enough to annoy me. Bye bye hair. My mom is coming with me so she can take Carson walking around the mall and back to see me if he needs to feed while I'm there. Which he will (did you not see I said he gained 5 oz in 3 days?)
1 comment:
That's freaky--its the exact same house as Joel and Carly's--well, floor plan I mean, obviously their colours and decor are totally different.
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