2/ He makes the loudest squeaking noises when he's feeding (example: my mom and I were shopping the other day and I was feeding him in the Bay (ha, in the furniture section!) and she went walking around and she could hear him clear across the store)
3/ He gets the hiccups alot
4/ He loves when Jeff and I sing to him, and I got my first REAL smile on Wednesday.
5/ He loves his baths
6/ He loves sleeping on his stomach (which we experimented with for one night but then we decided no, we are keeping him on his back)
7/ He punches the little animals hanging down from the arc in his turtle mat
8/ He sticks his tongue out at you if you do it to him first (he's tongue tied so his tongue doesn't stick out all that far... yet)
9/ He loves his car seat and immediately falls asleep when we put him in the car
10/ He is a very very very good baby and we love him very much.
This is a picture of our little gaffer as he sleeps happily beside me as I type!

Edit: Ok, so we may put him on his stomach for a nap once in a while (only when supervised, of course)
I know something....he is SO precious! Aren't we lucky? We all have adorable babies! Carson, Alyssa and Ava!
Carson will be surrounded by beautiful ladies :)
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