Friday, January 26, 2007

I just have to gush....

About how wonderful our son is. He slept from 9-3 last night, he had a three hour nap this morning and I just put him down for his afternoon nap.

He's SO fricking cute. He smiles, laughs, coos, makes a ton of noise and recognizes his mommy, daddy and grandma now. He kicks his feet when he hears one of us and gets excited. He lies in his crib and looks at his mobile while I clean up his room or do a few things upstairs.

He definitely lets me know when he's tired, he yawns, rubs his eyes and makes the saddest whimpering type noises when he nurses - he only cries for a reason so when he whimpers/cries I know he's just tired.

I love him. to bits.

Edit: it's 7:30, I gave Carson his bath at 6:45, fed him and now he's asleep in his crib (I'm taking advantage, so I crawled into bed, with laptop and a jug of water and the TV is on) It's crazy, he doesn't cry when he goes into his crib. He entertains himself and then falls asleep. I normally rub his bum/back for a bit just to soothe him, I walk away and he's happy. Now, he loves to sleep so it's not like I have to force him. It's wonderful. Again, I know better then to expect this will happen until he's 2 so I will take it whenever I get it.


Marathon Someday said...

Awwwww. And he loves you to bits!

Can't wait until Raiya starts laughing! When did Carson start?

Christy said...

The first two times Carson laughed was in the middle of the night when I was feeding him. They say try to keep interaction minimal in the night so they go right back to sleep instead of staying awake. So I was trying to "ignore" him and the little bugger laughed! That was at about 6 weeks.... and it's only happened a few times in total though (three times) - they say in month 3 it happens more and more.

But it's hilarious when they do, your heart will melt.

CrYs said...

he's so adorable!! alex makes the same little whimpers when he's tired.. isn't it amazing how much you can love someone SO much?

god.. i'm a gushball today.

Amy said...

Sooo cute!