Thursday, June 07, 2007


Carson has tried carrots, peas and sweet potato. In that order. He didn't want anything to do with the carrots, he made some pretty hilarious faces with the latter two, but he ate them.

I can't believe my son is eating food now!

At the doctor's today, I was given a "suggested diet sheet" that I thought I would post here. I know each doctor is different and probably provides different info - but this makes sense to me so I think I'll be following it (although maybe loosely)

The ** following an entry mean that should be introduced at that specific age

4-6 tbsp of cereal
2-3 tbsp of fruit (pureed until baby chewing well)** 6.5 months
Breastmilk or 5-8 oz of formula

Should use formula or breastmilk to 10-12 months then gradually introduce homomilk over a few weeks. Next step formulas by 7 months. Leave 2% milk until 2 years. Milk intake should be 25-35 oz decreasing to 10-20 oz by 1 year. Can start cup feeding at 9 months.

2-4 tbsp of veggies (pureeed to 8-10 months then junior or table feeds) **6 months
1-3 tbsp of meat or meat alternatives ** 7 months
(eggs after 9-10 months; yolk initially, then whites after. Simple white fish 9-10 months leave shellfish until after 2 years. Peanuts leave to 18 months)
Vegetable and meat combinations together for taste
2-3 tbsp of desert (ie: yogurt, soft cheese or custard (after egg white started)** 8 to 9 months
Breastmilk or 5-8 oz formula

4-6 tbsp cereal
2-4 tbsp of veggie +/- fruit
1-3 tbsp meat or meat alternative ** 7 months

Finger feeding:
Teething biscuits can be introduced beyond 7 months. Farley's Biscuits will dissolve easily in mouth as a starting biscuit (also num num's) Arrowroots/toast later. Do not leave unattended when starting more complex foods. By 8-10 months baby can finger feed. Use soft pea sized fruits or well cooked vegetables initially.
Baby at this age should be in high chair joining rest of family for meals. No TV at meal time from start this should be a strict family event.


Now, I have been feeding him cereal three times a day and I just noticed as I typing it out that he doesn't say to have cereal at lunch. I wish I would have noticed it back then, I could have asked him about it.

Jeff and I already feed him in his high chair and 90% of the time, when we are eating (sometimes we eat later, after he goes to bed) and it's in the kitchen, at the dinner table. My sister has two fantastic kids who have always always sat at the table, no TV and no toys until they are done dinner and they are 3 1/2 and wonderful eaters. They will be sitting at a table with tons of other kids and they are normally the only ones left at the end, looking at Carrie to see if they can leave the table. That's my dream!

So there you have it - hope it helps someone out there.


desajair said...

Awesome! Thanks for posting that!

Marathon Someday said...

You're the best...thanks.

Anonymous said...

My doctor said no fish until Alyssa's one. And no peanuts until she's two.