Erin, Jan, Peter, Jeff and I went and spent the greater part of the afternoon at the Scotiabank Place getting ready for the Sens game. We had a fantastic time (minus the rain). So Grandma took Carson around 1pm (I cried when I said goodbye) and she kept him till this morning (he's still there).
She said he was a perfect baby - he hasn't cried once since he's been there. He took all his naps, went to bed without a peep, is all smiles, and is talking constantly. I called this morning (was up at 5 thinking about him, and slept on and off for the rest of the morning, missing him) and my mom said as soon as she put the phone to his ear he was kicking his legs, smiling and just babbled in my ear for a good three minutes. God I love that kid.
I just checked the messages and there was one from my mom from ten oclock last night.
She told me that she was going to bed, she couldn't watch the game cause it stresses her out. She said that she knows it's hard on me, but that when I wake up in the morning I know my son is happy, warm, fed and being loved by grandma so she doesn't want to see my face before noon or she won't let me in the house. It was a really sweet message (she said way more then what I just wrote, but that was the jist of it) and made me cry.
Now to keep myself busy for the next hour or so. I know I won't wait till noon, Jeff is upstairs eating lobster right now (yes it's 9am) and I'm going to do some laundry, take a shower and then head over to see my little man.
...Guess who else cried...
I bet you I know who Kerri!
Christy, good for you. I haven't been apart from my girls for more than 2 hours. Yikes!
Your Mom is so AMAZING and is always so willing to help out and babysit.
It was hard, but I had a great time. I think it's good for him too, to be around new environments and get used to different people so he isn't super dependant on me. Don't get me wrong, I would and do do anything for that kid but I've seen babies/kids that won't go to anyone else but their parents, and I just want him to grow up being comfortable with other people. But I'm very lucky to have a great mom who loves him so much and is so wonderful with him.
But it was a very happy reunion today let me tell you. And it's like he grew overnight.
So proud of Carson (and you!).
We really do live parallel lives, you know. This past weekend, Raiya stayed overnight with her grandparents while hubby and I went out to celebrate our anniversary. We went back to stay at his parents house, but the baby slept in their room and we didn't have anything to do with her all night.
I missed her like crazy, and couldn't wait until she woke up in the morning - I was so antsy. I know what you mean about how they "grew" overnight. When they're changing this fast, all it takes is some seperation to REALLY see it.
You deserved the night off, I hope you had a great time. I'm sure your little guy got a million hugs and kisses after your time apart.
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