Thursday, June 07, 2007

One less thing to be sad about

We're back from the doctor's.

The intern who looked at Carson kept laughing saying how cute Carson was - he'd giggle when the doctor touched his stomach, but then cried when they stuck the wood tongue depressor in his mouth.

Weight 18 pounds 4 ounces - in between the 50th and 75th percentile (closer to 50th percentile)
Height 27.5 inches - same thing, just a bit over the 50th percentile
Head Circumference 17.4 inches - slightly over the 50th percentile

He said Carson is following the growth chart - he's a textbook baby in regards to that.

When the nurse came in, he smiled at her, then he watched as she soaked the cotton swab in alcohol and rubbed his leg with it, and his bottom lip came out and he started to cry. He's like his mom - he doesn't like needles. They stuck it in his leg and he had a different cry then I've ever heard before, he didn't like it at all. I fed him, we left the office and he was once again calm as soon as we got into the car. His forehead goes all splotchy after he cries - in a cute way (but you feel bad cause I know it's cause he was crying)

He fell asleep right as we turned onto our street (I swear that always happens) and he's right back in bed now.

He's healthy as a horse - I had the Dr look at his tongue again and he said the membrane below the tongue is really thin so he really doesn't see any problem with his tongue (I always make him look at the tongue-tied issue).

The next couple days he may just need a few extra snuggles, cuddling and loving - of which I am more than happy to oblige.


desajair said...

I keep trying to comment, and that darn word verication thingy gets me!

That's awesome C is doing so well! You're such a fabulous mom! (well, you're a fabulous person!)

I'm so happy both my carseat and my parent's are for 29 inches... I'm hoping Kailey will still be in it until September.

Marathon Someday said...

Yay, Yay, Yay!!!!! Carson and his mommy rock the planet.