Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Before we had kids, Jeff and I lived a very spur of the moment type of lifestyle. We would make plans last minute to visit with friends, go out to dinner, go away for the weekend, go shopping, go for a drive, you name it and we did it. Last minute.

I was excited to have a baby for so many reasons, the least part to look forward to, in my opinion was the routine. On the other hand, Jeff was tired of me trying to jam pack our days and nights with things to do so he was looking forward to it.

Now that Carson's been in our lives for almost 6 months, I love our new lives, and besides the obvious, one of the biggest changes I love is routine. I'm at home every afternoon for his nap (unless I'm at mom's) and we eat dinner at home every night now (there may be once every couple of weeks we go out for dinner) and if we happen to be out, we are always home at night by 7 so we can get Carson to bed.

Yesterday he started eating cereal for breakfast (so now he eats it for breakfast, lunch and dinner) and our morning routine is almost my favourite (I know some of you are cringing now, you non-morning people). He wakes up around 5:30am (ok, I'll admit if it was 6:30 it would be a tad better, but he sleeps all night so I can't complain) and we go out for about an hour run (or walk, or run/walk depending on how I feel). He loves his stroller (it's like his second home) and plays, talks, and looks at everything around him. And sometimes he falls asleep (like this morning). Then we get home, he stays in his stroller while I water my garden, then it's breakfast time (cereal for both of us) and then a little more play time and he's down for his morning nap. And mommy takes a shower (one of the top ten highlights of my day, I LOVE my shower)

He's not really into the afternoon nap for the past couple of days, but he is coming on six months and they say babies go through a growth spurt at 6 months and some of my friends say their kids always got a tad fussy, or at least different from the norm around this time so I assume it's just a phase and it will pass. At least he still goes to bed easily and sleeps through the night.


Marathon Someday said...

Your day sounds just lovely! I know what you mean about how different our lives are now - me and hubby plan everything around being home for certain times, or right after Raiya's been fed we BOLT out of the house with her to maximize our time out.

Our daytime naps are still all over the map - I think it depends on how tired Raiya is...for the FIRST time the other day, she slept for 2.5 hours in the afternoon. I couldn't believe it. The next day, she was back to her cat-naps.;-)

And I LOOOOVE my shower too. Isn't it funny how we took something so simple for granted before babies?

desajair said...

LOL--I find it funny how little my life has changed!