Grammy and Grampy took him into their room after I nursed him in the mornings so Jeff and I had quite a few sleep ins, which was wonderful. When he was on people overload, we put him in the exercauser and he happily entertained himself for as long as we needed him to. We went on a few walks (not too many cause it was super windy) and he Erin and Jan agreed to be his godparents. We are getting him baptized in PEI by our priest from Ottawa (who also married us, and is from Jeff's hometown in PEI) on July 15th.
This morning we went over to Carrie's and saw quite a few friends and babies. It was great because all the kids there are very close to Carson's age so it's good to see how they are coming along, what they are doing, how big they are etc... I know we aren't supposed to compare, but really, who doesn't?
Now - uploading songs to my IPOD I got for Mother's Day :)
how were the flights? Do you give Carson tylenol or advil or anything before you fly to help with the pressure?
The flights were fine - he's a dream traveller. I didn't give him Tylenol or Advil, I nursed him on landing on all flights and the only time he was fussy was his bedtime on the flight home, cause he just couldn't get comfortable. Everyone kept commenting on what a good baby he was being (I think now it's payback time, he's been in his crib crying for 20 minutes, no afternoon nap - eek!)
that's wonderful! (except for the no napping part) I think I'll try nursing Kailey on the landing part if Air Canada will let me.
Why would Air Canada not let you nurse? Because they come by and tell you how to hold your baby during take off and landing? They are sitting down during landing, so they can't see you :) We flew Air Canada and they didn't say anything to me.
Awesome pictures, and Welcome Back! And Yay for Mr. Carson being such a trooper...he rocks the planet!
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