Thursday, May 31, 2007
Separation Anxiety
Carson was still sleeping, at 6:30 he woke up and I was so happy to see him. However, Jeff gave me the thumbs up to go back to bed so I slept for an hour and woke up to a fussy little baby. He wasn't happy doing anything. I cuddled him, gave him a bottle and put him to bed and he's still sleeping. Poor guy is just a tad off these days. But as I've learnt, it's always just a phase and it will pass - I don't get frusterated anymore, my heart just goes out to him because he's not happy.
At least I have the "first night away" under my belt.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
I was excited to have a baby for so many reasons, the least part to look forward to, in my opinion was the routine. On the other hand, Jeff was tired of me trying to jam pack our days and nights with things to do so he was looking forward to it.
Now that Carson's been in our lives for almost 6 months, I love our new lives, and besides the obvious, one of the biggest changes I love is routine. I'm at home every afternoon for his nap (unless I'm at mom's) and we eat dinner at home every night now (there may be once every couple of weeks we go out for dinner) and if we happen to be out, we are always home at night by 7 so we can get Carson to bed.
Yesterday he started eating cereal for breakfast (so now he eats it for breakfast, lunch and dinner) and our morning routine is almost my favourite (I know some of you are cringing now, you non-morning people). He wakes up around 5:30am (ok, I'll admit if it was 6:30 it would be a tad better, but he sleeps all night so I can't complain) and we go out for about an hour run (or walk, or run/walk depending on how I feel). He loves his stroller (it's like his second home) and plays, talks, and looks at everything around him. And sometimes he falls asleep (like this morning). Then we get home, he stays in his stroller while I water my garden, then it's breakfast time (cereal for both of us) and then a little more play time and he's down for his morning nap. And mommy takes a shower (one of the top ten highlights of my day, I LOVE my shower)
He's not really into the afternoon nap for the past couple of days, but he is coming on six months and they say babies go through a growth spurt at 6 months and some of my friends say their kids always got a tad fussy, or at least different from the norm around this time so I assume it's just a phase and it will pass. At least he still goes to bed easily and sleeps through the night.
Monday, May 28, 2007
I need to buy..
I don't think I've ever seen a food mill before - I assume the sales people will know what they are. Or I could look it up online.
Carson will be starting veggies this week - I'm going to try carrots and sweet potatoes. That's what "the Healthy Baby Meal Planner" says.
Gotta go - game is starting!
I've decided that during the summer, in this heat, it's much better for him and I to go out for a long walk (or run) first thing in the morning. I loved going to Strollercize, but it's at 10:15 and on those 30 degree days it's just too hot at that point. Plus, I'm an early bird so if I'm up, I may as well be out!
Carson fell asleep on daddy's lap last night
Carson ready with mom to go for a jog
For some reason I can't post video on here anymore - so here's a link to Carson eating. He loves trying to blow bubbles while eating now. While it's cute, I can see it getting really messy in the not-so-far-future.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Just marking the date
I bought his next car seat - the Alpha Omega Elite. We have to buy two, so going with the Britax Marathon (those are the two it came down to) just didn't make sense. The Alpha Omega is a rear-facing, front-facing and booster seat and the Marathon doesn't become a booster seat, so even if Carson grows out of the Alpha Omega, we will have to buy a booster seat - but we'd have to buy a booster seat for sure with the Marathon - so adding up all the pros and cons we went with the Elite. I bought one now and am on the list for them to call when their shipment comes in for #2. He is 27 inches, so he's technically grown out of his car seat (the one we have is 20 lbs, 26 inches) but I'm kicking my feet installing the new one. Now I can't just easily take the car seat out of the car and plop it into the shopping cart. I'll get it done this week, but not looking forward to it. Now my bjorn will get lots more use, that's for sure.
We had a joint Mom-Christy-Rob birthday party yesterday - tons of food, tons of people, and tons of kids in the pool. It was a really great time and my mom LOVED the convertible we borrowed for her. Her friends and her went to the casino and drove through the market, I love that she had a good time.
Jeff's golfing with Peter and his brothers today, so Carson and I are going to do a bit of shopping (including Jacob Connexion, Chapters, Winners, Pier 1 Imports) and then coming home for our afternoon nap. I may have to get a special fun drink at Starbucks.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Sofia and Carson in the playpen under the gazebo:
Happy, Happy Carson: Just getting used to the water:
Just being dunked!
Getting warm:
Getting ready to leave Grandma and Nono's house:
It's hot - we've been spending time in the shade. I'm loving my garden these days, so lots of hours are spent in there. Carson loves being outside, he hangs out in the jumperoo on the deck or in his bouncy chair on the grass. Jeff put up our gazebo and it's awesome! We've had dinner outside twice, and drinks out there (on my birthday night) which we never would have done without it, so definitely a smart purchase.
Carson's flipping lots now, except he does it when we aren't around. After most naps he's on his back (he sleeps on his stomach, so he flips over when he wakes up). He's sleeping well (I think it's the heat) and he's starting to love his mommy. The mornings where Jeff gets up with him, as soon as I come downstairs and he sees me and starts to cry and try to get to me. Ok, yes it's cute. But I don't want him to become attached to me to the point he isn't happy with other people. I like the fact that he loves whoever holds him, he just loves people. So hopefully this is just a phase.
He's getting a little sleepy right now, as he attacks the star on his exercauser (which he LOVES), so I'm off to put him down for his second morning nap. We got up and went running (again, I ran, he slept) early so it wasn't TOO hot (although it's so muggy it's hard to breathe) and he took a brief nap in the stroller for about 45 minutes. This afternoon I'm packing Carson, our bathing suits, some food and sunscreen and we are heading to mom's house to go swimming. Then Jeff and I are going to somehow get Dwight's little convertible beamer over to mom's to surprise her - he's lending it to her for the week. She turns 60 next Tuesday and the only thing she's ever wanted is to have a red convertible for a week.
Have a great weekend everyone!
And Jenny and Kerri - thanks again for dinner on Wednesday. I used his new bowl and spoon for the past couple lunches. Sorry there are no pictures today, I need to charge the batteries for the camera!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Happy Birthday to me
I was in the shower (Carson's asleep, mom is on her way to play with us in our garden) when the doorbell rang. I jumped out of the shower (not wanting to wake Carson up) and ran downstairs in my bathrobe (most likely a rather scary site) to answer the door where a FEDEX person was standing. They gave me a box, I opened it up and found this:
I knew right away it was from Kim, who had visited us lately and when I first saw her she had this wonderful bright pink bag and I told her how great I thought it was.
Anyone who knows me, knows my materialistic side of me loves three things - in this order
1/ Cosmetics (I'm a junkie, and my sister in law Erin isn't any help)
2/ Pink (Carson's lucky he is a boy)
3/ Bags (although these days it doesn't make too much sense seeing as I have a diaper bag constantly, but I am starting to go out more sans Carson)
Thanks Kim - love you! And we're booking our flight soon to Vancouver so I'll let you know as soon as it's done.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Early to bed
And on top of all this, we took pictures.
I know I've said it before, but he LOVES his Jumperoo!
This is the face we see most often these days - his oooohhhhh face
And his COWS sleeper from Auntie Erin and Uncle Jan - we never made it to Cows (first trip without a stop there) but she knows how much I love it... we'll see if my love for it is passed onto Carson. But the sleeper looks adorable on him! (Anyone who is buying a Cows sleeper for a little one, they fit small - the 12 M one JUST fits him!)
Only thing is, Jeff hasn't seen it yet.
He flipped over for me twice yesterday morning and then 4 times in a row while mom was here last night. So yay!
The race track/casino was fun. None of our horses ever won, I think Rob was the big winner - winning $50 and change on a $12 bet. But then. Then we headed downstairs to the slot machines. Julie, hitting the high traffic areas (apparently those are the machines to play) won $500! Holy crap! Way to go Jules!
Carrie gave me a beautiful hand blown tea light holder/vase with a beautiful card that made me cry. She's good like that. I meant to take pictures of all of us out last night, but forgot my camera. Poo. Carson apparently was wonderful for mom. He didn't cry once (Carson rarely cries) and went to bed at 10 to 8 and slept till about 7 this morning. I love that type of night. I even slept longer, till about 7:30.
Not sure what today holds, probably not a lot. Maybe making my garden in the backyard and if Kiddytown is open, getting a new carseat for him.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Carson's having a visit
I think we've succeeded in pushing his bedtime back to 7:30 (instead of 7). This morning we went to church, a quick visit at grandma's, and then out to breakfast. The whole time he was laughing, blowing bubbles and playing with his toes. We are such lucky parents.
Saturday, May 19, 2007
The calls are coming in - the plans are being made - the nights are being scheduled - visits are being had.
This is tres exciting. Bring the cup home boys!!
The weekend is here
Yesterday afternoon marked the first day that Carson chose not to nap. At all. But he was in good spirits, so we headed out to Julie and Tim's for a BBQ. I figured Carson would sleep on the car ride over. Nope. Then we fed him dinner, Jeff gave him a bottle and I figured he would crash in Maisie's crib. Nope. He wanted to be included in the fun. So he sat downstairs with Jeff for a while, then got really sleepy so we said goodbye and headed home. 5 minutes into the car ride he was asleep. A successful transfer to his crib, and it was lights out until 6 am this morning. I'm going to assume today will be filled with naps, that usually happens a day after he doesn't get much sleep.
He's squealing now. A.lot. It's really kind of cute, experimenting with different sounds he can make and it's quite funny. He'll honestly sit there for about half an hour and just screech, squeal, yell and then laugh. I really should get it on video. I haven't taken video in a long time, and I should. Jeff and I went through the blog the other day and watched the video I had posted and it's almost like I had forgotten what he was like back then. For some reason I can't post video anymore, but I should be taking it for my own viewing pleasure.
Today is filled with gardening plans, putting the top on the gazebo, getting the yard ready and then hopefully hitting the Corel Center for the RED ZONE before/during the game. GO SENS GO!!!!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Poor little gaffer
Jeff and I are watching the hockey game, I have a load of laundry on, and I'm searching for a yummy recipe for dinner tomorrow night. I think Rakhi and Shamil are coming over.
Oh - and moms? Today's Parent is AWESOME. I have a subscription and absoloutely love it. I know I'll keep them and refer back to them later on, lots of the information is for toddlers and beyond but they have great articles, recipes, advice, coupons, everything. And in this month's issue, you can sign up for a 3 year subscription for $46.00 - totally worth the money.
We're back!
Grammy and Grampy took him into their room after I nursed him in the mornings so Jeff and I had quite a few sleep ins, which was wonderful. When he was on people overload, we put him in the exercauser and he happily entertained himself for as long as we needed him to. We went on a few walks (not too many cause it was super windy) and he Erin and Jan agreed to be his godparents. We are getting him baptized in PEI by our priest from Ottawa (who also married us, and is from Jeff's hometown in PEI) on July 15th.
This morning we went over to Carrie's and saw quite a few friends and babies. It was great because all the kids there are very close to Carson's age so it's good to see how they are coming along, what they are doing, how big they are etc... I know we aren't supposed to compare, but really, who doesn't?
Now - uploading songs to my IPOD I got for Mother's Day :)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
See you next week!
Who, is absoloutely adorable. Each and every day is a new thing with him. I swear he looks different, older, each day. He has the funniest expressions (grandma was talking like Donald Duck today and he kept turning his head towards her with this deadpanned face like "what the hell is that?" - hilarious). He smiles at everyone who stops to look at him and he talks all.the.time.
I love him and can't stop hugging, kissing and squeezing him.
I'm sure we will have lots of pictures when we come back.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Missing Duck
I retraced our steps, hoping that if someone found the duck they would have put it on a fence post or somewhere we could see it. But, alas, he's nowhere to be found.
He LOVES this duck. I'm going to have to search for one. All you mom's out there, if you've seen them, let me know! It's a duck head with a little blanket attached to it with satin ribbon around the blanket.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Back from the doctor
I'm happy that he's healthy. He had fallen asleep in my arms in the waiting room (our appt was at 1:30, right during his nap time) and he woke up, on the doctor's table, first person he saw was the doctor and he... smiled. Laughed when the stethescope was on his chest and was smiling at the doctor the whole time. What baby does that? I love him!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Taking it easy
Unfortunately, Jeff's chest cold has found it's way to both Carson and I. I don't care much that I'm sick, I can take drugs and deal with it but my heart goes out to Carson. When he coughs he sounds like a seal, it's horrible. It doesn't seem to be bugging him that much, but it kills me. He also has oval shaped red dry patches on his back and now chest. It's just dry skin but it looks a bit weird, the ovals and all. His upper lip and chin are super chapped right now too. Again, he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but when we put him in the bath last night he started to cry. The water wasn't too hot, it wasn't later than his bedtime and yet he cried (which he NEVER does in the bath) so we were thinking maybe the water was stinging the dry skin? We zipped through his bath and put him to bed (which he cried himself to sleep for a couple of minutes, which again, is abnormal, but I've chalked up to his chest cold).
I've been putting a bit of olive oil on the dry patches. Vaseline on his chin and upper lip. Anyone else have any suggestions for the dry skin? How about the chest cold? I'm trying to call his doctor right now but it's busy. I have the humidifier in his room, I've opened the windows during the day (they say fresh air is good for the cold) and I'm not sure there is much else I can do but I want to talk to the doctor anyways.
This past weekend was super busy, lots of time spent with friends and family and Carson was a trooper through it all. He's so good with people, he'll go to anyone and give out smiles and snuggles all day long. He's so lucky to have all this family surrounding him, with aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas and cousins who love him so much. And this coming weekend he's going to meet more family who I'm sure will feel the same way once they meet him.
Oh! And he put his toes in his mouth for the first time. Well, they would have been his toes if his shoes weren't on. I don't have a picture of it though. Here are just some shots from the weekend.
His cousins love lying in bed with him:
Isabelle and Maya:
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Hip Hip Hooray
Carson woke up at 5am the past couple days in a row but let me sleep in till 6 this morning! He now stays in his crib for a good 20 minutes just playing, he doesn't wake up and need to eat immediately as he used to.
Here he is hanging out on the patio swing. He's SO happy when he's outside
Here's Carson and I, his shirt says it all.
I'm really struggling with finding him something to wear to his baptism this summer. It would be different if he was only going to be 3 months old being baptized, then I could put him in a baptism dress. But, he's going to be 7 months. And Carson is a real BOY boy, so no dress for him. I found a pair of pants from the Gap yesterday, so I picked them up and am leaving the tags on in case I find something better. They are a crepe type of material with a nice light lining inside (if it's a super hot day I can just take them off after the church) so I can just pair it with a nice crisp short sleeved button up shirt, and a white hat and we are set. What do you think of the pants?
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Too early
You can't win 'em all
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Tee hee
I'm going to do them now, he's sleeping :)
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Oh (Part 2)
We discussed it and researched it enough to know that yes indeed we will set up an RESP. It can be used for any type of secondary education so even if Carson isn't university-bound, he can go to school for any number of things (college, trade school etc...) and if he doesn't - there are still options.
We got his birth certificate yesterday and it's so cute! Ok, so maybe cute isn't the perfect word, but it's a birth certificate! For our son! Crazy :)
Ha, can you tell Carson was asleep for 4 hours this afternoon? I wrote 4 posts. Jeff's just putting him down now and I'm waiting to go to the gym until I'm sure he's done for good.
He stayed awake in his crib for about half and hour and then went to sleep. I'm following his lead. Nite.
Oh! Me Me Me
When we were in Florida I bought two pairs of pants that I couldn't remotely fit into. They wouldn't even go past my thighs (ugh). Each week or so, I've been trying them on, and have been getting the tiniest bit closer to fitting. Yesterday after I was bummed that the scale didn't move again (after 5 walks, 3 runs and 2 body pump classes), I woke up this morning and was getting ready to go shopping and tried them on. AND THEY FIT. Woo hoo!
That is all.
5 months. That's crazy. He's growing up every day. Now Jeff and I know exactly what makes him laugh. I know what his cries mean. I know when he's frusterated, when he wants to be alone, when he wants to be cuddled and when he wants to jump. He's starting to know our family and loves all the attention he gets, especially from his cousins.
We went down to Lincoln Fields today to get his SIN (and I changed my name from Walker to Gallant, on mine). He made friends with everyone in line, giving smiles out like they were free. The lady asked if it was our first, we said yes and she said it's obvious (but in a good way). I gave her my information (my name was on his birth certificate as the applicant) and she turned to Jeff and said "I assume your the father" and Jeff said "I assume the same thing". She burst out laughing. Jeff constantly makes people laugh, it's obvious where Carson gets it from.
We came home, had some lunch (I had a delicious tortilla with hummus, chicken, lettuce, roasted red pepper, Carson had rice cereal) put the little guy to bed and now I'm taking care of the house that I've neglected the past couple days and wait for the phone call telling me my gazebo is in! Then later on I'll start to make a list of what to bring to PEI, I've never flown to PEI and he's doing it at 5 months.