We couldn't get a passport for him on time, so we had to drive to Syracuse (3 hours) to fly to Florida. Our trip started Friday morning, we left the house around 6:30am. He was perfect on the drive. We got across the border with no problem and made it to the airport in time. We took two flights to Florida and he was either laughing or sleeping the whole time. I nursed him during take off and landing to help with the pressure in his ears and it couldn't have gone better. We landed in Florida around 5pm.
Then the obnoxious lady sitting behind us offered to get our overhead bags for us. Which was thoughtful, but ended up resulting in the arm of Jeff's glasses breaking off. This in turn, started us on our tour of Orlando trying to find a place to fix them. After about 16 hours of being in the car, plane, walking (a minor Carson-breakdown around 9pm that was quickly resolved by Dwight driving around the parking lot) - we finally made it to the house (without Jeff's glasses being fixed, they are now held together by crazy glue and tape). When we woke him Carson up once we got to the house, he was just laughing and smiling at everyone. He ate, then went to sleep. That was the latest he had been up in about a month. I would have thought he'd be super cranky, but he surprised us all. Then, he slept till 5:30 am!! That was the first time I've slept through the night in almost 3 months.
The house was BEAUTIFUL! A huge bungalow with four bedrooms and 3 bathrooms (2 ensuites). This was the view from the backdoor (we had our own pool and hottub) and the big greatroom.
Saturday the boys went golfing, and the girls stayed by the pool, went for a few walks and just relaxed. Then we all went out for a bite to eat, then once again back to the house to enjoy the weather.
On Sunday, Jeff Carson and I drove Lyne, Dwight and Sienna went to Disney World. Even though we weren't going, just driving through the gates got me all excited. I can't wait until Carson is old enough so we can take him there. Then Jeff's parents came to visit. They were staying about an hour away from us, so they came and spent the day with us. The first of two breakdowns was when he awoke suddenly from a nap in the car. He woke up and just started screaming and was completely inconsolable (despite major attempts from Grammie and I) but luckily enough we were right around the corner from home, and as soon as Jeff took him out of the car and held him, he went back to sleep.
Of course, this never really happens so I used it as a photo-op. What a mean mommy. Look at those big crocodile tears!
Then once again, for the rest of the afternoon he was his happy cheerful self.
Monday, the girls went shopping at the Outlet mall (big reminder that I must lose all this baby weight!) so I channeled all my spending on Carson. He now has a summer wardrobe bigger than mine.
Then Jeff took Carson for his first swim! He loved the water, just like his mom and dad.

Then, just as quickly as it began, our trip was over. Tuesday morning we got up early and took 3 flights back to Syracuse and then a 3 hour drive home. After they lost our luggage and the lights were left on in the van so we had to get a boost - we made it home safely and our little Carson was again, amazing.

The trip was too short, the travelling time too long. But I'm happy we went, I loved having the sun on my face. It was great not having to bundle him up all the time, he loves being outdoors and is so content to look around and check out all the new things. I hadn't had a chance to use the bjorn before this trip and he loves it. I will be getting a ton of use out of it as soon as a) the weather gets nicer and especially b) when he grows out of the infant car seat.

He is starting to smile more and more and he laughs all the time. He is definitely the happiest baby on the block, and I would say, without an exageration at all a minimum of 20 different people would stop and look at him and just say what a gorgeus baby he was. Lyne and Dwight even commented on how amazed they were with how good he is. He puts up with everything and anything.
This is my new favourite sleeper on him:

He really is such a sweet little guy, he doesn't make strange at all. Not that he did it much, but he no longer cries for no reason at all. We know exactly what's wrong when he starts to cry. The one that kind of makes me giggle is when he's nursing and he's so tired he lets out this little pathetic whimper/cry and has the cutest little face, it makes my heart melt and I smother him with kisses at that point. Then he snuggles on my shoulder and I put him to bed.
Wish us luck that our luggage makes it home soon!
Welcome home, Christy! Sounds like an awesome trip. And yay for Carson being such a champ!!! He is one wonderful little baby!:-)
Raiya makes that whimpering noise too, when she's tired and nursing..and the second I put her on my shoulder, she's out like a light. It's very cute, I agree.
If you can take your 4-month old (is he there yet?) to Florida, you can do anything! Great job!
3 months tomorrow actually!
is it wrong of us to find cuteness in their sadness???
Welcome home momma! Its Amy... but for some reason I can't post from my blogger identity.
Sounds like you guys had a great time.
Reading your blog makes me all warm and mushy... maybe it there is hope that I have a maternal instinct afterall! :)
ps- Are you running the half this year? I'm sucking ass in my training!
Sorry - I forgot that Carson is only 2 weeks older than Raiya! Mushy-mummy brain to blame.;-)
No - we're entitled to find as much cuteness wherever we want! It absolutely melts my heart when Raiya sticks out her lower lip in a pout (and whimpers at the same time)...I comfort her, but I'm kinda smiling at the same time.
And we will get back on the weight loss wagon! March is our month! Well, as soon as this bloody cold of mine goes away.
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