Sunday, February 04, 2007

Our little boy

Looks so old today! I tell ya, it's all about what clothes he wears.


Alea said...

I know you haven't heard a word from me in a VEEERY long time... Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here, reading and enjoying all of Carson's pictures! He's a gorgeous boy! I just don't have much to say these days, so bear with me...

Hope you have a great week! And keep those pictures coming... :)

CrYs said...

that is SOOO cute!

Marathon Someday said...

Adorable!!!! I totally agree with you on the clothes thing. This past weekend, I put Raiya in flowery jeans and a little cardigan - and she looked so grown up!!

Miss Gogo said...

Oh! What a darling!

Anonymous said...

Isn't it ALL about the clothes?
Christy and Jeff, Carson is so
deeply cute!! I don't know how you keep him off the wall!
Love to all three of you.