Carson laughs all the time now. My heart melts every time he does it. We have tons of toys, but the two that really make him laugh are these:

It's so amazing that he recognizes Jeff and I now. If I've put him in his chair while I start to make dinner, do laundry or anything and I come back to himn - he gives the biggest smiles. This morning, I put him on the bed while I got dressed and he was just lying there laughing - happy to be in the same room as his mommy and daddy. Jeff mooned him the other night, and he laughed. If you massage his legs and move them in the bicycle motion - he laughs. If you pull him up with his arms, to stretch, he laughs. When he's lying on the couch with his Daddy, he laughs.
I know he's only going to start laughing more and more, and I can't wait. I never really have my camera around when we are doing these things, but I'm trying to keep the camera around with me to capture these moments.
I just typed a huge comment, and it got deleted. Grrr.
Basically, I said that you're sooo lucky C sleeps like a champ! Enjoy while you can, esp. before teething starts. I think you're doing a great job of sleep-training him at such a young age.
R. is not a sleeper at all, but we'll work on it.
As for laughing - how wonderful! I'll bet that's music to your ears. I can't wait for R. to laugh for the first time - I think my heart will melt.;-)
YAY for sleep!!!!!
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