Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The results are in...

I won't keep you waiting much longer - he woke up from his nap around 5:30 and was falling asleep by 6:30 but we gave him a bath, fed him and put him down at 7:30. Then the little gaffer slept till 3:30! He got up for a quick bite to eat, was in bed at 4 and slept till 5. Needed a little pat on the bum and slept till 6:30. It may just be a coincidence but I'm going to try keeping two afternoon naps and see how that goes.

Non-baby related:

He's back in bed now, when he wakes up, Jeff and I are taking the Civic to get the door fixed (rust spot that's been there for the past 4 years, Peter kept telling me to get it fixed, I didn't, it's worse...) so that we can sell it. Because yes, Jeff and I have bought a mini van. The Civic was nearing the end and we needed to get another car, so we figure no time like the present to take the plunge.

I'm a bit sad, the Civic was the first (and only car) I've ever bought. It had a mere 8km on it when I drove it home 8 years ago. It's been good to us, I haven't put a cent into it and we are still going to get most likely about 5 grand for it and it's been paid off for about 5 years. I loved that car. It's taken me so many places and through so many things. But, it's not practical to put a car seat in. It's had it's run and now it's time to move on.

So now we are a total Toyota family - Jeff and I will probably fight over the Matrix (I LOVE my Matrix) but I'll happily take the Sienna. I know I'll enjoy more space, even though the Matrix is bigger inside then you would think it is. The van will be great for our annual trip to PEI and Jeff's friends are looking forward to having a van to cart all the guys around for their golf trips. It will also be better when baby #2 (and maybe #3) comes along.


Marathon Someday said...

You rock the planet, Christy!!! Running in this insane weather is no easy feat. Woo hoo!

Glad to hear that your experimenting with Carson's naps is going well. I haven't started trying to put R on a schedule yet - everytime I do that, she seems to let me know who's boss!

As for co-sleeping...we never, ever intended to let it happen. It just sorta did - R would NOT sleep in her bassinet, and we were holding her one night, and she fell asleep in our arms. And the rest is history. I too, worry about covers/pillows/ after she's over her cold, I'm going to start putting her in her crib. I have enjoyed her sleeping with me for the last little while, though - esp. since the poor little angel has been sick.

Christy said...

I think looking back I may miss not having slept with him - not even for one nap! I've seen pictures of parents taking a nap with their kids and I think it's sweet - maybe when he's a little bit older and I'm a little more used to having him around :)