Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Crisis averted

Yesterday I had a blocked duct and was worried about the possibility of mastitis (only really because we are leaving on Friday and I wouldn't want to be sick on our trip) but just as the books say, it seemed to have worked itself out.

Carson's face in this first picture makes me giggle.

Carson had a 5 hour nap yesterday to make up for his missed nap on Monday. Today? Packing. Laundry. Barrhaven Drop in Center with Nadia to weigh the babies. Tomorrow? Cleaning lady - must vacate the premises so maybe a movie?

Our bank account looks sad after we bought the van yesterday.


desajair said...

Mom and I are stopping by the well baby drop-in today too! Maybe we'll see you there. 8)

Marathon Someday said...

Love the pictures!!! You look gorgeous, and Carson looks like a cutie (as usual!).

Congrats on the van! Hubby and I are also looking into buying a new vehicle next year...but I can't bring myself to buy a van, b/c that would REALLY be admitting that I'm in my 30's with kids.:-) We'll probably get an SUV of some sort.

If I don't talk to you, have an awesome trip!!!! Post lotsa pictures!