Tuesday, February 06, 2007


We ventured out yesterday into the freezing cold, spent oh too much $$ at Costco and vowed to stay inside today, where it's toasty warm. Jeff even took the car with the car starter which means we are definitely in for good today.

I made it to the gym last night! I think it's better I go on my own rather than bringing him along cause I dont have to worry that he'll be crying and they will ask me to leave.

Yesterday I think Carson was cranky that I took him out in the cold - evidence below.


Amy said...

Haha.. thats definately evidence of a cranky baby!

Good stuff for making it to the gym! You must feel amazing!

Marathon Someday said...

Yay for going to the gym, Christy!!

And sorry Carson had a cranky day...I can't say I blame him - it's ridiculously cold out there!