Monday, May 15, 2006

Looking at my posts

It seems all I do is complain!

Just before I start being positive, I have to vent about my getting Jeff's chest cold! I cough every minute and I gag at the end of it, so needless to say it's tons of fun!

Besides that though, I am doing well. Didn't get too much sleep this weekend and I feel OK today, maybe I have kicked the tired feeling.

Everyone came over Saturday night and I spent quite a while with 2 month old Justen and I felt completely at ease. It's the first time holding a wee one that I didnt' freak out and think - I won't be able to do this! I felt comfortable, I felt ready, I can't wait for December.

But, as per the advice of mom's, I am definitely taking advantage, and enjoying the time before the little one comes! Sleep will soon be a thing of the past, so I'm doing as much as I can now :)

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