Thursday, June 22, 2006

I am going to stop

Stop complaining about my weight gain, headaches etc etc... I have been hearing/reading too many stories of wonderful people who are going through the horrible struggle of infertility.

Knowing there are couples out there trying SO hard to conceive, without success.

I am going to embrace this pregnancy, be THANKFUL there is a baby growing inside of me. I am going to treat myself the best way I know how, and be as healthy as I can be for me, and for the baby.

If I gain 100 lbs? Who cares. I will have the most precious gift in the world to show for it.

1 comment:

Christy_Ann said...

Hear hear! I agree a healthy baby/body is the most important thing. Re: the weight gain. Just try to remember it's only be temporary. I've lost 7kgs (15lbs) since my son was born. You can do it!