Tuesday, June 06, 2006

13 weeks....

The baby has teeth sockets now. That's all I can remember from the journal this morning. Oh yeah! And the baby is born with 300 bones, but some will fuse together and as it becomes an adult - they will be left with 206 bones. Neat eh?

Today marks the first day of maternity wearing clothes. Actually, I don't quite need them yet, but they feel so much better than regular pants. These are jeans - so they don't actually LOOK maternity until you lift my shirt up and see the big thick band. But, who is going to be lifting up my shirt? No one. So you can't tell. And if YOU guys don't tell, no one will be the wiser.

No results from the potential bathing suit disaster. I decided to sit under the umbrella and watch people in the pool. For some reason I didn't find it hot enough yesterday? And I had the car WITHOUT the A/C.

I saw Nadia last night, she looks fantastic! They all kind of gave me the hairy eyeball when I said I was playing volleyball, I can understand Nadia's worry, but I will keep playing until I feel not well enough to play! I said they had to actually SEE us play, see I'm not diving for the ball, jumping up 3 ft to hit it etc... my mom is a worry wart :)

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