Monday, June 12, 2006

Bye bye sleep

I started off sleeping on my stomach last night, like I have for the past 30 years (ok, I digress, I honestly can not vouch for how I used to sleep until I was probably around 6, but saying 30 just makes the story better). About 30 minutes later I woke up with insane cramps in my stomach.

So, the rest of the night I slept in about 30 minute increments, constantly waking up and unable to find a comfortable sleeping position.

First thing when I awoke, was flip to page 208-209 of "What to Expect when you are expecting" which told me I should be sleeping on my left side, with the top leg over the bottom and a pillow in between. It says I should start now so I become used to it. It compares the change of sleeping position to losing your teddy bear or favourite blanket. I would give up a 30 year old teddy or blankie in a heartbeat if I could sleep on my stomach again.

Week 14 - in my 4th month. I feel great. I slept alot this weekend (and so did another soon-to-be-mommy though I can't mention her name yet) until last night. Of course, the night before a full day of work.

But I'm feeling pretty good. My face is starting to clear up, I made it to the gym this weekend. Now only if my "achy" leg syndrome would go away. Look at that, I can never finish on a positive note.

I feel skinny today - maybe it's because I am all dressed in black and I have this new T-shirt that's super long... I'm digging the new style. I wish I would have posted a picture today.

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