He's such a good boy - he has a fussy time around 8-11 at night but the rest of the day he's a really really good baby. When he's awake he's calm and just looks around and chills out, when he's hungry he cries, he's a good eater and he's so fricking cute.
It's hard, as parents, to know what's right and what's wrong. You don't want to instill habits in him but he's also only 3 weeks old. He takes a soother, he LOVES his soother, but we only give it to him when he gets fussy or can't calm himself down. He doesn't like getting his diaper changed cause he gets cold, so we just make sure he's nice and warm and then it isn't so bad. We gave him his first bath (in the tub) last night instead of just a sponge bath and he was so good! He slept in his crib last night for the first time (during the night). I can definitely hear when he gets up to be fed, but I was having issues sleeping through his little grunting and moaning when he was in our room, so he's moved now. I kept the bassinette in the nursery too just in case...
I'm going to go sing to him a little more now (thank god no one else is around to witness this) then we are going for a walk, and then to Babies R Us to do a few returns!

How adorable!!! And what is this Max Trax Treehouse you speak of?
Oh we have a Rogers digital box and channel 222 is Max Trax Treehouse and it just plays kids songs all the time - it's fantastic!
I will say it again - he is so adorable!
I hear you about the singing - thank god no one is here when I am trying to sing to our girls. I don't even remember half the words to the songs so I make them up as I go along! ;)
I keep forgetting about Max Trax Treehouse - thanks for the reminder.
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