On Thursday I went for a nice long walk, did a few squats and at night sat on an exercise ball for an hour (thanks Rob) and the next morning at 6:45, my water broke! I wasn't sure that was it at first, but then Jeff said - what else could it be?
We took showers, packed our hospital bag (see what procrastination does?) and headed to the hospital around 8. I was hooked up to the fetal monitor and just kind of hung out for a few hours. I wasn't having contractions at that point so we were just kind of waiting. Around 11 they hooked me up to IV for oxytocin to start contractions (it doesn't induce labour because technically I was in labour because my water broke). They came on shortly and just got stronger and stronger as the day went on. I wasn't dialating though - around 6 I was finally dialted 1 cm (I was SO happy to hear I finally was dialating) and was told the hardest part is getting to be 4cm dialated, so I figured we would be there a while.
The rest is pretty much a blur, I got the epidural around ten to 8 ( Jeff said I didn't stop talking about the epidural and I remember wanting to buy everyone I knew an epidural and give them out as stocking stuffers, I think I told the nurse that) it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I kind of dozed on and off and around 10 they noticed the baby's heart rate was quite high and they were concerned. 10:30 comes and the doctor isn't liking the heart rate at all so they tell me a C-section is required. When they tell you your baby is in distress, you don't care what needs to be done, you are willing to do it. I was wheeled into the OR and at 11:15 Carson was born. As soon as Jeff said it's a boy - I said, of course it is!
After my surgery was over, they wheeled me into the nursery (in the pics below) and was allowed to hold Carson for a few minutes. They I didn't see him again until around noon the next day. Jeff was able to go and see him in the nursery but I was recovering from the C-section so I couldn't. That was the hardest part, not being able to see my little boy.
I finally got him for good Saturday night around 3 in the morning. I started feeding him from then on. His weight dropped during our stay and got pretty close to his 10% weight so he's being supplemented with formula right now.
Anyways, I was so anxious to come home (he fed STRIGHT for 7 hours on Sunday night and I wasnt' anxious to go through that again in the hospital) so the wonderful nurse let us come home last night. It was SO much better to be in my own home, we are all doing well. I'm sure I am leaving out a million things, but he's sleeping, I'm eating my breakfast and trying to get a few things done around the house.
I'll post again when I can, but this whole thing is pretty new to me, so who knows.
Thank you everyone for your e-mails, I'm sure you will understand that I won't be getting back to you anytime soon.
Proud parents, Christy and Jeff

He's adorable!!! Congrats!
Congrats Christy & Jeff!!!! Carson is absolutely GORGEOUS!! :)
Congrats to Christy and Jeff! Your little boy is gorgeous!
Kathleen Acorn (Kacorn from WW)
Congratulations!!he is so beautiful. Congrats to you both.
Congratulations!!he is so beautiful. Congrats to you both.
Congratulations!!he is so beautiful. Congrats to you both.oth.
YAYYYYYYYY! I knew it! What a beautiful baby! Rest up as much as you can and enjoy every precious moment!
HOOOORAY!!!!! I'm so happy for you. Congratulations, Christy! Carson is absolutely adorable.
It's been awesome sharing our third trimester together (albeit, virtually!) - just wait until the adventures of mommyhood begin!
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