Sunday, July 08, 2007

Loving the island life

This past week has flown by. We are enjoying our vacation and Carson is getting loads and loads of attention from his grammy and grampy, aunts and uncles and cousins. We are staying at the cottage with Deanna and Jerry, Erin and Jan and our three person family. The way it works out, Carson is in the playpen in Erin and Jan's room (they are too tall to sleep in the bed we are sleeping in, but the room we are sleeping in is too small to put the playpen). Everyone else hears Carson first thing in the morning before we do, so I've been able to sleep in each and every morning. They claim they like getting up with him, so really, who am I to rob them of this joy?

Erin and Jan took him into their bed this morning (Erin said she walked by to go to the washroom and he was looking up and smiling, and on her way back he had his toes in his mouth so she couldn't resist and got him out of bed). When I heard people up, I walked into their room and he PULLED HIMSELF UP TO SEE ME. Definitely a first.

The weather isn't exactly cooperating with us so far, but we have sunshine in amongst the rain so we've been able to get outside a bit. The mosquitoes are driving me insane, but I don't want to be negative and curse on my blog, so I'll leave it at at that.

My mom and Ricky left Ottawa this morning around 4am and are driving straight to PEI today. They are mainly coming for Carson's baptism on Friday, but they are spending the week with us and I'm excited! It's so wonderful being in a family where absolutely everyone gets along so well.

Carson's been slightly overtired (so many people, so much action!) so it took him a while to go to bed this morning. Grammy took him into her room with her and she said he fell asleep when she gave him the bottle and she was just watching him lie in the bed. Then he woke up (a few minutes later) saw the bottle. He rolled over, CRAWLED towards it, grabbed it and put it in his mouth. Like what? When did my little boy grow up so fast? Holy! It may have been easier to crawl on the bed - who knows. I do put him on the floor quite often now and he does the inch worm to move towards his toys. It's so frigging cute.

So then he was awake and Jeff brought him into our room, he was there for about 45 minutes on his own, talking, playing and then... quiet. He's exhausted, poor little guy. All my clothes are in that room and I don't to go in and wake him, so I will hang out in my pyjamas for a while longer. There could be worse things, right?

Today there's a parade in town (for Lobster Carnival week!) so we will be heading to that. Carson even has a special outfit :)

1 comment:

Marathon Someday said...

You're SO making me want to retreat to the island! Sigh..I've never been, but I can only imagine from my whole "Anne of Green Gables" obsession, lol!

post some more pictures of Mr. C!