Friday, July 13, 2007

Not so good "first"

Carson went to bed at his normal bedtime and woke up crying about two hours later. Erin got him out of his playpen and held him until he fell back asleep. The house was awfully hot (we were staying at Erin and Jan's in Charlottetown) so we carried the playpen downstairs and put him back to bed. He woke up a few times crying and then finally around 2 he wouldn't stop, so I got him up and we snuggled on the couch for about 2 hours. He wasn't sad, he was quite happy - touching my face, looking around, smiling.... just not sleeping.

Back to bed he went, around 4am and up again at 6.

I'm not sure why, but it never happens so it wasn't really that bad. I like to think he's nervous about getting baptized tonight. Lots to do today, we are just having breakfast and then heading back to Summerside to get ready for tonight (I got such a pretty dress for tonight!). Will post pictures later (only sometimes will blogger let me post, the connection at the cottage is rather slow so it doesn't always work)

Seee, I DID jinx myself

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