Saturday, July 28, 2007

Little pieces of me

I think alot about Carson's future. I wonder what he's going to look like. I wonder if he's going to be into sports, or play the piano. Will he love rock music, or will he be into rap like his Dad? Will he love to read, will he love to stay outside for hours upon end, will he be able to draw (definitely NOT like his mom), will he be an athlete or a book worm?

I believe that alot of these things are destiny. Already mapped out in his genes. But I also believe that us, as parents, have the greatest gift ever. We have the gift of having the opportunity to teach our children.

I also think about this. I think what is it about me that I would like to pass onto Carson. What part of me will I work so hard at, to make sure he doesn't get from me.

I want him to laugh. Laugh at himself, laugh with others. I laugh alot.

I want him to be outgoing and make friends easily. I don't want him to be shy like I was. Although it takes me a while to get to know someone, but once I do, I cherish those friendships. I hope he does that too.

I want him to be able to be silly. Don't take yourself and your life so seriously all the time.

I want him to love the outdoors. Like me. I've always loved being outdoors in the rain or shine (just not as much in the winter). I think being in the outside is good for your body, mind and spirit.

I want him to be happy for others, I don't want to pass along my jealousy.

I want him to be a hard worker. I want him to share my wonderful feeling of accomplishment after I stick with something and see it through to the end.

I want him to be confident and proud of who he is. I want him to be able to stand up for himself and not to be afraid of other people. I don't want him second guessing himself often and worry about what other people think of him, like his mom does (although being a mom is teaching me to get over that, quite quickly).

I want him to enjoy treating his body well - go biking, walking, running, anything to just keep him moving. I haven't always treated my body the best, but when I do, I love the way I feel.

I've started teaching him physical things (how to eat, how to pick up things, how to put himself to sleep etc...) but now I have to add teaching him mental things... wow, being a mom is huge!

And now? Carson in a box.


desajair said...

Too adorable. I think I'm going to explode from cuteness.

Marathon Someday said...

A really, beautiful entry. Made me a bit teary, in fact. All I can say, is that you're an incredible person, and Carson is going to be every bit as wonderful as you.:-)

Cute picture of him in the box!