Monday, July 30, 2007


Wow. I've started going through my pictures, picking out the ones I want to use in my scrapbook. I use the term loosely, because it's really just a photoalbum on really sweet handmade paper with some more than typical descriptive words, I few stickers, titles etc.... but not really a scrapbook. Anyways, I'm only at 2 months and I already have like 50 pictures. I have ten more months to go and I don't want this album to be the size of a dictionary!

I assume once they are all printed and I start the layout for each section, I will make cuts - and it never hurts to have extra printed pictures!


desajair said...

Whoa that sounds like a big project. I bought 3 photo albums that came in a box at Costco (I'm so not a scrapbooker) and I've already filled almost 2 of them. *sigh* So many pictures! Its like every single moment is so super precious.

Marathon Someday said...

That's the thing with digital pictures - unless you actually print them (and put in an album/scrapbook), you never really get to enjoy them as much. Plus, you always end up take a million pics with a digital camera!