Friday, April 06, 2007


Old ones - EW!

New ones (just a sample leaning against the backsplash)

We just put our summer tires put back on both cars and it started to snow... hmmm.....

I think we are having dinner with friends tonight & just taking it easy. Same for tomorrow, same for Sunday. Monday is our Easter dinner at mom and Ricky's house. Right now I'm just checking for flights to Vancouver and Edmonton for this summer while Carson sleeps. Little bugger has been awake most of yesterday and the day before but then slept 13-14 hour nights (with a one time wake up to nurse).

I've just started sleeping with his door closed and our door closed so I only really wake up when he's really awake. It may sound selfish, but I have turned into a pretty light sleeper and every time he made any sort of noise (which he does when he's not even awake sometimes) I would wake up and it would take me quite a while to get back to sleep. So this way, I only wake up when he's really awake and wanting me. On the plus side as well, think i was going to him too quickly before, as soon as he made any bit of noise I was up and nursing him. Sure it was only once or twice a night, which is normal for his age, but once in a while he was waking up at 4am and then again at 6am and I was nursing him both times. I think I was getting to him too quickly at the 6am wakeup, because a few times he's done it again (woken up at 6am) but then goes back to bed. I don't want him getting used to a second nursing if he doesn't really need it. The last few nights, he's woken up anywhere between 4 and 5 am to nurse and then sleeps again till 7:30. A few times Jeff asked me if I heard him wake up at 6 and I didn't (but Jeff did) but Carson fell back asleep so... I'm sure not everyone agrees with my reasoning, but hey, we all do it our own ways, right?


Marathon Someday said...

Beautiful new tiles!!!! Very modern and tasteful. I like.

As for the whole waking up to nurse thing - I could have written your post myself. Raiya is still pretty inconsistent about it - and it really depends on how tired she is from the day before. She normally gets up 2-3 times to nurse - but a couple of times, I've tried to get her back to sleep without nursing and it has worked. Mommy needing more sleep to keep up with baby during the day is NOT selfish!!!

CUTE pictures of Carson with his cousin (right?). Toooooooo adorable. What a trouble-maker he is. Just wait until your little guy is on the move!

And yes - join your "lean and fit" (is that what it was called?) class!!! Go for it! We can compare sore muscles the next day.;-)

Christy said...

You've totally convinced me to do it. I told Jeff for Mother's day and my birthday (end of May) I wanted an ipod, but now I think I'll suggest we just pay for the Lean and Fit! (I'm too logical when it comes to presents!)