Then, ever since he got his needles last week he's been, well... cranky. He used to sleep about 6-8 hours during the day. Now he sleeps at best, 3. He used to play on his own and be happy, now he needs constant attention. He's OK for a few minutes in any of his stations but then he looks for you and wants to be held. As soon as you pick him up, he's all smiles. He used to laugh at the drop of a hat, now you almost have to do handstands to get a little more than a smile!
He's chomping down quite hard if I put my finger in his mouth, putting everything in his mouth, drooling tons and has gotten a few rashes, so I am thinking he may be in the beginning stages of teething? I have a couple teething rings that we've been giving him.
I'm also thinking he's self-weaning. Ever since I had blocked ducts (end of Feb.) it's been a downward spiral, a vicious circle. He couldn't get milk, so we gave him formula. Then because he took formula, my milk supply started to dwindle. Now he likes the bottle that much more and easily gets frusterated when nursing. He has 2 good nursing sessions during the day, with sufficient milk. But, the rest of the time he's being supplemented with formula. I'm going to keep nursing as long as I can, but I've accepted the fact that he needs his formula, he's a growing boy. I know I've nursed him for the most important period of his life and I'm proud of that.
Anyways, he's down for a sleep now after a bottle and a big cuddle from his mom. I doubt he'll be down for long so I have to run and get done one of the million things I normally do during the day, but haven't been able to because he hasn't been sleeping.
Thank goodness he still goes to bed easily at 7 and sleeps straight till about 4 or 5. He typically wakes up around 7 but doesn't seem to be sleeping as soundly between 5 and 7 as he used to.
Oh, Christy. I don't know what to write, except ditto, ditto, and ditto. The wanting to be constantly entertained and held, the chomping, the drooling, and the lack of sleeping (well, the last one has always been a problem for me). You're not alone. And I'm not sure if it's teething - other moms I've been talking to with babies around the same age are also talking about the chomping and drooling.
And as for the comment you left on my blog - THANK YOU!!!! It made me smile a lot. You're very sweet - and you don't need me for motivation, you know - you're the one that can run 7K like you're going for a casual stroll in the park.:-)
E-mail me if you want. And yes, I'll send some pictures your way.
Sounds pretty typical to me! Extra drool does mean teeth are coming. Guy also got a rash on his chin and cheek(s) near the area where the new tooth was growing - so don't worry if you see something similar... apparently it's very common.
you should try chamilia for the teething symptoms. don't know if that's the right spelling or not but you can get it at shoppers. there are no medicinal ingredients in it but it's a little tube that you put the liquid in their mouth and it immediately makes them feel better and happier!
I love how you journal things.. I've been going back to your weeks and seeing if what Kailey is doing compares--and its a great help!
On that note... would you and Nadia like to get together for a play group sometime?
Ooh thanks Mel - going to look into the chamilia thing :) Every little tip helps!
T - that sounds like fun! Lemme talk to Nad and see what her schedule is like and maybe I'll have you guys over here :)
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