We have his 4 month check up on Tuesday so I'll post the results, I'm thinking he's going to be like in the 95th percentile cause he's big. Some of the clothes he is wearing is 6-12 months, the 3-6 is getting a bit tight. We just got a whackload of clothes from Kaethe (her little Justen is pretty small at 13 months so the clothes he just grew out of, will fit Carson probably this month!)
And because it's April 1st...my mom was holding Carson and saying we make beautiful babies and she thinks we should just have one after the other. Jeff said "Funny you should say that.." my mom looked at me and said "Are you pregnant" and I just started to smile, and my eyes welled up, she started to get excited and then I said "April Fools". We got her good, it was fantastic. Having said that, I think I need to talk to HR and find out how long I have to be back at work before I can leave on maternity again. We are already thinking about baby #2.
Now, you don't have to look at the pictures if you don't want to but here are my faves from this weekend. Rob was flipping through the pictures and said he looks like he's wise beyond his years (or I guess I should say months)
Giving mommy a pretty serious look:
His afternoon nap:
Lunch at Milestone's:
Sitting on Nono's lap eating his blankie:
We had the whole family over for dinner on Sunday (minus Dino and Alexis, but their kids were there!)
L to R Grant, Maya, Carson, Ethan, Isabelle and Sofia
Everyone left not too long ago, Carson's in bed and Jeff and I are downstairs relaxing and off to bed shortly.
4 months already? Wowza! He is a gorgeous one, that's for sure!
Okay - how do you count your months? From his date of birth, or by 16 weeks? I'm counting from date of birth right now, but it's so confusing!
Raiya is going for her 4-month check-up this week, she'll be a bit early. I'm NOT looking forward to the needle...I'm crying just thinking about it.
Hubby and I have been talking about #2 as well...and possibly a #3. But if we're having a rough day with Raiya, it stops at #2, lol!:-)
He was born on the 1st of December so I just say it's his "birthday" the first of every month.
Yeah, not looking forward to the appt at all either :( Maybe only to get it over with.
We will be definitely having #2 (sooner than later I think) and possibly a #3 too!! (If my second is a boy I know I'll want to try again for a girl, but if it's a girl I may consider stopping, who knows!)
Isn't it weird to think of our babies as a big brother / sister to someone?
I'm not sure when we'll have #2 - we're still in our condo here, I'm trying to figure out my next career move, and part of me just wants to enjoy R as much as I can, since there's a 1:1 ratio at the moment! But that's all countered with the fact that I'm 31 years old, and am not getting any younger!
600 hours is all you need to get maternity benefits again. So if you work a 40 hour week, you need to be back for 15 weeks of work...
Yeah the whole 31 thing is what scares me too, part of me wants to have another one quickly so we can concentrate on growing up as a family together. But we'll just take whatever happens....and that's how I'm thinking now, who knows down the road.
I can't imagine having another one, or Carson being anyone's "BIG" brother. But it's so exciting all the same :)
Thanks Mel!
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