Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Oh Mr. Sun Sun Mr. Golden Sun

How happy I am that you are here! There were so many people at Strollercize this morning it was wonderful - the sun was beating down on us, the kiddies were asleep and Nad and I had a good long talk :) Next week the pilates part of the session starts so I'm really looking forward to that. Strollercize is three mornings a week, throw in my 3 classes at GoodLife and I'm feeling pretty good these days. My pants are even getting loose, that's making me very happy.

What isn't making me happy is Carson's sleeping patterns. Last night - up at 2, 3, 4, 5 and finally for good at 6. One thing Jeff and I have always been rather proud of (who knows if it's all our doing or not) is the fact that Carson has always been good at soothing himself back to sleep. It's like he's forgotten how to do it. These days Carson is fidgety. He's never calm, he always have to be moving and isn't content for very long in any one place. This is all new to me and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I play with him, I read to him, I sing and dance with him (only with no one else around), I move him from station to station but it never seems enough. I was giving him a bottle this afternoon and he kept squirming off my lap and looking around, then he'd stretch the whole way back and looked up at me, and gave me this huge toothless grin and it made me giggle. Thing is, he's not overly cranky he just never seems settled. It's only been going on a few days now and we are getting through with no problem, I am just wondering if I am missing something. Is he teething? Is he ready for solids? I guess he's just always been the same Carson for so long that he's throwing me for a loop. Ha, he's only 4 months and I know he'll just keep on changing and I'm not panicking, I'm just marking the spot so I can refer back to this and remember what I'm going through at what age.

So I think Jeff and I have decided that we are ready to go with cereal. He's away this weekend and I want him to be home the first time we try it (how could you miss that?) so we will start next weekend. A few days shy of his 5 month birthday.

Tonight is Kate's bridal shower, tomorrow I'm off to my mom's till Sunday so I'll be MIA until early next week. Toodles!


Marathon Someday said...

....please shine down on me!:-) Love Raffi, don't you?

Sounds like you had an awesome time outside! Yay!

And as for the teething thing - I think that's part of the "unsettlement". Raiya is going through the same thing right now. Last night, she was up EVERY hour. I am so wrecked this morning.

Christy said...

I went out with my girlfriends last night and two of them (both with two kids each) said their kids always got unsettled before something happened. Like before they turned over for the first time, before they crawled for the first time, before they DID something (also, teething) so I think the next couple of days should be interesting for the both of us!!

Christy said...

And I sing the Mr Golden Sun song constantly but it's Mr Carson John :)

Marathon Someday said...


You know that song, "Robin in the rain?" (also Raffi). Well, I giggle like a 12-year old through the whole thing. I better stop doing that by the time Raiya's old enough to know what's going on.

Hmmm - interesting that "something" is about to happen. My bet is on teething - Raiya is chomping on absolutely everything she can get her hands on right now - and feeding is starting to feel a bit painful.:-(